Learn to Code: Become a Software Engineer
Complete in
8 Weeks
Earn on average

Launch a developer career with the skills you learn in a bootcamp or university. Confidently progress from your first line of code to your first day on the job with our structured lessons packed with interactive quizzes, projects, and playgrounds.


Ready to become a software engineer in weeks?Get the full path now

Learn to Code: Become a Software Engineer
Complete in
8 Weeks
Earn on average

Ready to become a software engineer in weeks?Get the full path now

1. Taste of Code

Explore the world of coding by delving into some exciting possibilities with Python.

2. Building Blocks of Coding

Learn to solve computational problems and grasp Python’s basics, including concepts like functions, input/output, data types, operators, and program structures.

3. Programming with Data

Process and visualize data effectively with lists, loops, and essential libraries.

4. Exploring Python Objects

Explore object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python, including classes, objects, and encapsulation.

5. Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Level up your OOP skills by mastering the concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, and object relationships.

6. Algorithmic Adventures

Build a strong foundation in algorithmic concepts, covering analysis of algorithms, sorting, searching, and divide and conquer techniques.

7. Crafting Programs with Data Structures

Master essential data structures and algorithms: linked lists, stacks, queues, graphs, trees, heaps, and hashing.

8. Relational Databases and SQL

Uncover the essentials of MySQL server, including its setup, SQL commands, data manipulation, and advanced topics like joins and subqueries.

9. APIs in Python

Explore a variety of APIs to enhance your program’s functionality and streamline access to complex systems like news feeds, payment gateways, etc.

10. Software Quality Assurance and Configuration Management

Explore testing, including test automation and design, deployment, maintenance, and Git for version control.

11. Capstone Project: AI-based Text and Image Generator

Develop an automatic text and image generator using popular generative AI tools, including ChatGPT and DALL-E 3.

12. Prepare for Your Coding Interview

Grok the coding interview by mastering the challenging interview questions for your first tech job, and elevate your career with confidence!