How to create a folder if it does not exist using Laravel 8

While creating an application or working with files in your application, you will want to store a file in a folder. Sometimes there will be instances where the folder does not exist.

You want to create that folder during the process so the file can be stored without making the user resend the request.

You can create folder or directory by using the File::makeDirectory() function.


File::makeDirectory($path, $mode, $recursive, $force)


The File::makeDirectory function takes the following as input parameters:

  • $path: This string represents the path of the directory we wish to create.

  • $mode: This is a four-digit integer that is used to set permissions for the directory.

  • $mode: This is a boolean variable used to specify if the recursive mode is set.

  • $force: This is a boolean variable that, when set, lets you create a file in the profile path even when the directories in the path do not exist.

Return value

The function returns true if the requested directory is created. Otherwise, it returns false.


public function createDirecrotory(Request $request)
    $path = public_path('upload/');

        File::makeDirectory($path, 0777, true, true);

// retry storing the file in newly created path.

The above code has $path, which is basically an upload folder where you want to store the file.

We check if it exists, and if it doesn’t, we create the upload folder.

Note: The File::isDirectory() function is used to check whether or not the given path exists.