What is SQL Server CHARINDEX() Function?


The CHARINDEX() function searches for a substring in a given string and its index is returned. If a substring is not found, 0 is returned.

Note: The search done by this function is not case-sensitive.


CHARINDEX(substring, string, start)


This method takes three parameters:

  • substring: The substring to be searched.
  • string: The string from which the substring is to be searched.
  • start: This is an optional parameter. It is only used when we have to specify a starting position in the string apart from the start of the string.

Example 1

In this example, the substring is ive and the string is Educative. The given sub-string is searched from the string and the starting index of the substring is returned. In this case, 7 is returned.

SELECT CHARINDEX('ive', 'Educative') ;

Example 2

In this example, the substring is ER and the string is America. ER is in capital words but as mentioned earlier the search will be case-insensitive so there is no difference in searching. In this case, 3 is returned as ER starts from the third position in the string.