What is the Java Spring Boot framework used for?

What is Java?

Java is a high-level language based on the object-oriented programming (OOP in short) paradigm. In the OOP approach, real-world entities are treated as objects that have properties (public, protected, or private), also known as attributes or data fields, and there are certain methods defined by the user that are applied to these properties. The OOP approach reduces the time it takes for the programmer to write code and lets the programmer work more on other project-related issues, e.g., logic building, etc. Java can be used for many purposes, such as mobile applications, specifically Android applications, and even web-based applications. There are many frameworks for different purposes that are defined by high-end developers that Java can be used for.

What is a framework?

A framework is a fundamental structure of anything. In programming, a framework is a pre-defined set of functions that provides support to a programmer in coding for any application. Frameworks enable a programmer to not write anything from scratch. The libraries are linked to the code and the functions defined in those libraries can be used for programming purposes. There are many frameworks used in Java. Some are specifically for web-based application development, while others can be good for mobile or desktop application development.

Frameworks in Java

Some popular Java frameworks are as follows:

  • Spring
  • Hibernate
  • Struts
  • Vaadin
  • Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
  • Play
  • Blade

The Java Spring Boot framework

Among all other frameworks of Java, Spring is the most popular. Spring consists of many sub-frameworks, including Spring Boot. Spring Boot forms the top layer of the Spring framework and contains all of the features that Spring promises a programmer.

Some of the important features of Spring are listed below:

  • It’s lightweight: Spring makes use of POJOsPlain Old Java Objects, which are ordinary objects in Java that are easy to implement.

  • Dependency injection: This Spring Framework feature allows you to create loosely linked apps. As a result, unit testing these weakly linked apps is simplified. This also enables the developer to replace parts of the modules as needed.

  • Other frameworks’ integration: This framework has the advantage of not attempting to tackle problems that have already been solved and seeks to include them into its structure, which solves larger problems. This can include Toplink, Hibernate, and so on.

  • Transaction management: This is used to coordinate transactions for Java objects and to unify multiple transaction management APIs. It is also utilized in containerless contexts and is not bound to the J2EE environment.

Spring Boot is easier to use than Spring and saves the programmer some time if a suitable configuration for a particular application is exploited. A bonus of the Spring Boot framework is that it is way more useful in developing a RESTRepresentational State Transfer APIApplication Programmable Interface.

Uses of Spring Boot

  • Development of REST API
  • Development of standalone applications
  • Development of Enterprise-grade applications
  • Development of applications that require embedded serversWeb server software that is pre-installed on the computer
  • Development of 'just run’applications that do not require configuration CRUDCreate, Read, Update, Delete applications

Companies that use Spring Boot

  • USFoods
  • NuData Security
  • Udemy
  • CRED
  • Trivago
  • Intuit

Spring Boot provides many useful and hands-on built-in configurations to build what you deem better for your application. Its multiple built-in functions and ability to build standalone applications make Spring Boot one of the most used Java frameworks.

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