Rate Limiter Algorithms

Understand the working of various rate limiter algorithms.

Algorithms for rate limiting

The task of a rate limiter is directed by highly efficient algorithms, each of which has distinct advantages and disadvantages. However, there is always a choice to choose an algorithm or combination of algorithms depending on what we need at a given time. While different algorithms are used in addition to those below, we’ll take a look at the following popular algorithms.

  • Token bucket
  • Leaking bucket
  • Fixed window counter
  • Sliding window log
  • Sliding window counter

Token bucket algorithm

This algorithm uses the analogy of a bucket with a predefined capacity of tokens. The bucket is periodically filled with tokens at a constant rate. A token can be considered as a packet of some specific size. Hence, the algorithm checks for the token in the bucket each time we receive a request. There should be at least one token to process the request further.

The flow of the token bucket algorithm is as follows:

Assume that we have a predefined rate limit of RR and the total capacity of the bucket is CC.

  1. The algorithm adds a new token to the bucket after every 1R\frac{1}{R} seconds.
  2. The algorithm discards the new incoming tokens when the number of tokens in the bucket is equal to the total capacity CC of the bucket.
  3. If there are NN incoming requests and the bucket has at least NN tokens, the tokens are consumed, and requests are forwarded for further processing.
  4. If there are NN incoming requests and the bucket has a lower number of tokens, then the number of requests accepted equals the number of available tokens in the bucket.

The following illustration represents the working of the token bucket algorithm.

The following illustration demonstrates how token consumption and rate-limiting logic work. In this example, the capacity of the bucket is three, and it is refilled at a rate of three tokens per minute.

Essential parameters

We require the following essential parameters to implement the token bucket algorithm:

  • Bucket capacity (C)(C): The maximum number of tokens that can reside in the bucket.
  • Rate limit (R)(R): The number of requests we want to limit per unit time.
  • Refill rate (1R)(\frac{1}{R}): The duration after which a token is added to the bucket.
  • Requests count (N)(N): This parameter tracks the number of incoming requests and compares them with the bucket’s capacity.


  • This algorithm can cause a burst of traffic as long as there are enough tokens in the bucket.
  • It is space efficient. The memory needed for the algorithm is nominal due to