

Design of a Distributed Search

Design of a Distributed Search

Get an overview of the design of a distributed search system that manages a large number of queries per second.

High-level design

Let’s shape the overall design of a distributed search system before getting into a detailed discussion. There are two phases of such a system, as shown in the illustration below. The offline phase involves data crawling and indexing in which the user has to do nothing. The online phase consists of searching for results against the search query by the user.

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High-level design of a distributed search system
High-level design of a distributed search system
  • The crawler collects content from the intended resource. For example, if we build a search for a YouTube application, the crawler will crawl through all of the videos on YouTube and extract textual content for each video. The content could be the title of the video, its description, the channel name, or maybe even the video’s annotation to enable an intelligent search based not only on the title and description but also on the content of that video. The crawler formats the extracted content for each video in a JSON document and stores these JSON documents in a distributed storage.
  • The indexer fetches the documents from a distributed storage and indexes these documents using MapReduceAs stated by Wikipedia, “MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating big data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster of commodity machines.”, which runs on a distributed cluster of commodity machines. The indexer uses a distributed data processing system like MapReduce for parallel and distributed index construction. The constructed index tableThe index table consists of terms and their mappings. is stored in the distributed storage.
  • The distributed storage is used to store the documents and the index.
  • The user enters the search string that contains multiple words in the search bar.
  • The searcher parses the search string, searches for the mappings from the index that are stored in the distributed storage, and returns the most matched results to the user. The searcher intelligently maps the incorrectly spelled words in the search string to the closest vocabulary words. It also looks for the documents that include all the words and ranks them.

API design

Since the user only sends requests in the form of a string, the API design is quite simple.

Search: The search function runs when a user queries the system to find some content.





This is the textual query entered by the user in the search bar, based on which the results are found.

Detailed discussion

Since the indexer is the core component in a search system, we discussed an indexing technique and the problems associated with centralized indexing in the previous lesson. In this lesson, we consider a distributed solution for indexing and searching.

Distributed indexing and searching

Let’s see how we can develop a distributed indexing and searching system. We understand that the input to an indexing system is the documents we created during crawling. To develop an index in a distributed fashion, we employ a large number of low-cost machines (nodes) and partition or divide the documents based on the resources they have. All the nodes are connected. A group of nodes is called a cluster.

We use numerous small nodes for indexing to achieve cost efficiency. This process requires us to partition or split the input data (documents) among these nodes. However, a key question needs to be addressed: How do we perform this partitioning?

The two most common techniques used for data partitioning in distributed indexing are these below:

  • Document partitioning: In document partitioning, all the documents collected by the web crawler are partitioned into subsets of documents. Each node then performs indexing on a subset of documents that are assigned to it.
  • Term partitioning: The dictionary of all terms is partitioned into subsets, with each subset residing at a single node. For example, a subset of documents is processed and indexed by a node containing the term “search.”
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Types of data partitioning in a distributed search
Types of data partitioning in a distributed search

In term partitioning, a search query is sent to the nodes that correspond to the query terms. This provides more concurrency because a stream of search queries with different query terms will be served by different nodes. However, term partitioning turns out to be a difficult task in practice. Multiword queries necessitate sending long mapping lists between groups of nodes for merging, which can be more expensive than the benefits from the increased concurrency.

In document partitioning, each query is distributed across all nodes, and the results from these nodes are merged before being shown to the user. This method of partitioning necessitates less inter-node communication. In our design, we use document partitioning.

Following document partitioning, let’s look into a distributed design for index construction and querying, which is shown in the illustration below. We use a cluster that consists of a number of low-cost nodes and a cluster manager. The cluster manager uses a MapReduce programming model to parallelize the index’s computation on each partition. MapReduce can work on significantly larger datasets that are difficult to be handled by a single large server.

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Distributed indexing and searching in a parallel fashion on multiple nodes in a cluster of commodity machines
Distributed indexing and searching in a parallel fashion on multiple nodes in a cluster of commodity machines

The system described above works as follows:


  • We have a document set already collected by the crawler.
  • The cluster manager splits the input document set into