

Dictionary Operations

Dictionary Operations

Learn how to manage Python dictionaries by adding, updating, and removing entries, and checking key existence.

Adding and updating entries

We can add new entries in a dictionary by simply assigning a value to a key. Python automatically creates the entry. If a value already exists at this key, it will be updated:

Press + to interact
phone_book = {"Batman": 468426,
"Cersei": 237734,
"Ghostbusters": 44678}
phone_book["Godzilla"] = 46394
phone_book["Godzilla"] = 9000

Removing entries

To delete an entry in a dictionary, we can use the del keyword, which removes the key-value pair permanently. After using del, the key will no longer exist in the dictionary, and trying to access it will result in a KeyError. Here’s an example:

Press + to interact
phone_book = {"Batman": 468426,
"Cersei": 237734,
"Ghostbusters": 44678}
del phone_book["Batman"]

If we want to use the deleted value, ...