

Solution Review: Highs and Lows

Solution Review: Highs and Lows

Review the solution for the "Highs and Lows" exercise.

We’ll discuss two solutions to this problem.

Solution 1: Using filter and lambda

Let’s explore the first solution to the problem of highs and lows:

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def count_low_high(num_list):
if (len(num_list)==0):
return None
high_list = list(filter(lambda n: n > 50 or n % 3 == 0, num_list))
low_list = list(filter(lambda n: n <= 50 and not n % 3 == 0, num_list))
return [len(low_list), len(high_list)]
num_list = [20, 9, 51, 81, 50, 42, 77]


Here’s a line-by-line explanation of the code for the problem highs and lows:

  • Line 1: Defines a function named count_low_high that takes one argument num_list, which is expected to be a list of numbers.

  • Line 2: Checks if the length of ...