

Challenge: Prototype Pattern

Challenge: Prototype Pattern

In this challenge, you have to implement the prototype pattern to solve the given problem.

Problem statement

In this challenge, you have to implement a Ninja fighting game using the prototype pattern.

You have already been given the Ninja constructor function, which will be used to create a ninja object. A ninja should have the following properties:

  • name

  • points

The points are set to 100 by default upon the instantiation of a Ninja object.

A ninja can pull the following moves in a fight:

  • punch: ninjas points reduce by 20 if they get a punch

  • kick: ninjas points reduce by 50 if they get a kick

A ninja can only kick or punch the other ninja if the following conditions are met:

  • The other ninja’s points are greater than 0.

  • The points of the ninja itself are also greater than 0.

If the above two conditions are met, you should return the points of the other ninja as follows.

`{other ninja's "name"} points are {other ninja's "points"}`

If the conditions are not met, you should return the following if a punch was attempted:

`Can't punch {other ninja's name}`

And the following if a kick was attempted:

`Can't kick {other ninja's name}`


Two ninjas fighting


The points of the ninja after being hit or the “Can’t kick/punch” message

Sample input

var ninja1 = new Ninja('Ninja1')
var ninja2 = new Ninja('Ninja2')


Sample output

"Ninja2's points are 50"	
"Ninja1's points are 80"	
"Ninja2's points are 0"
"Can't punch Ninja2"
"Can't kick Ninja1"

Challenge #

Take a close look and design a step-by-step solution before jumping on to the implementation. This problem is designed for your practice, so try to solve it on your own first. If you get stuck, you can always refer to the solution provided. Good Luck!

Press + to interact
//Define the Ninja class and write rest of the code here
const Ninja = function() {}

Let’s discuss the solution in the next lesson.