

Flyweight Pattern

Flyweight Pattern

This lesson discusses the flyweight pattern in detail using a coding example.

What is the flyweight pattern?

It is a structural pattern that focuses on the sharing of data amongst related objects. It helps prevent repetitive code, hence, increases efficiency when it comes to data sharing as well as conserving the memory.

It takes the common data structs/objects that are used by a lot of objects and stores them in an external object (flyweight) for sharing; you could say that it is used for caching purposes. So the same data does not need to have separate copies for each object; instead, it is shared amongst all.

A flyweight is an independent object that can be used in multiple contexts simultaneously. It cannot be distinguished from the instances of objects that are not sharable. A flyweight object can consist of two states:

  • intrinsic: this state is stored in the flyweight. It contains the information required by the internal methods of objects. It is independent of the context of the flyweight; hence, it is sharable with other objects.

  • extrinsic: this state depends on the context of the flyweight; hence, it cannot be shared. Normally, the client objects pass the extrinsic state to the flyweight object when needed.

Example #

Let’s start by considering a program that doesn’t use the flyweight pattern.

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class CodeFile {
this.codefileName = codefileName
class Formatter {
class PythonFromatter extends Formatter {
console.log("Python Formatter instance created")
format(codefileName) {
console.log(`"Fromatting the Python ${codefileName} file you uploaded.`)
const codefile = new CodeFile("helloworld.py")
const pythonFormatter = new PythonFromatter()

The above code implements an online code formatter platform without using the flyweight pattern. The Formatter is available for different languages such as Python, C++, JavaScript, Java, etc. In the example above, we have its child class PythonFormatter.

So a user will come online, upload their .py file, and choose the PythonFormatter to format it. You have two objects here: a CodeFile and a PythonFormatter object.

Now imagine a 1000 users using this platform to format their .py files. They will have different files, so there will be 1000 different CodeFile objects. However, there will also have to be 1000 instances of the PythonFormatter, which is comparatively heavier since it involves the environment setup. It will be a more time-consuming task, as well. Wouldn’t it be better to have control over the creation of the PythonFormatter instances? That’s where we can use the flyweight patter.

Let’s look at the updated code:

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class CodeFile {
this.codefileName = codefileName
class Formatter {
class PythonFormatter extends Formatter {
console.log("Python Formatter instance created")
format(codefileName) {
console.log(`"Fromatting the Python ${codefileName} file you uploaded.`)
class JavaFormatter extends Formatter {
console.log("Java Formatter instance created")
format(codefileName) {
console.log(`"Fromatting the Java ${codefileName} file you uploaded.`)
class FormatterFactory {
constructor() {
this.myFormatterMap = new Map()
createFromatter(formatterType) {
let formatter = this.myFormatterMap.get(formatterType)
if (formatter == null) {
if(formatterType == "Python"){
formatter = new PythonFormatter()
else if(formatterType == "Java"){
formatter = new JavaFormatter()
this.myFormatterMap.set(formatterType, formatter);
return formatter
const codefile1 = new CodeFile("helloworld.py")
let formatter = new FormatterFactory()
const pythonFormatter = formatter.createFromatter("Python")
//uploading new codefile Python file
const codefile2 = new CodeFile("test.py")
const anotherPythonFormatter = formatter.createFromatter("Python")
console.log("Both Python Formatter instances are the same? " + (anotherPythonFormatter === pythonFormatter))
//uploading a Java file
const codefile3 = new CodeFile("myfile.java")
const javaFormatter = formatter.createFromatter("Java")

Explanation #

In the code above, we used the flyweight pattern by introducing the FormatterFactory class. Whenever an instance of a language formatter is requested, it checks if the instance already exists or not. If it does, it returns the same one; else, it creates a new instance.

So now, if 1000 users come online to format a Python file, 1000 instances of the same formatter need not be created. Instead, a single instance will be shared by all.

The formatter instance created in this example, that is, the Python or Java formatter is our flyweight object. They contain the function format used to format all different sorts of code file objects. Meaning, all code file objects will require this function, so instead of creating copies for each, it is accessed from the flyweight object instance.

When to use the flyweight pattern? #

This pattern should be used when your application has plenty of objects using similar data or when memory storage cost is high. JavaScript uses this pattern to share a list of immutable strings across the application.

This pattern is mostly used in applications such as network apps or word processors. It can also be used in web browsers to prevent loading the same images twice. The flyweight pattern allows caching of the images. Hence, when a web page loads, only the new images are loaded from the Internet, the already existing ones are fetched from the cache.

Now that you know what a flyweight pattern is, it’s time to implement it!