

Challenge: MVVM Pattern

Challenge: MVVM Pattern

In this challenge, you have to implement the MVVM pattern to solve the given problem.

Problem statement

In this challenge, you need to use the MVVM pattern to change the color of the “color” you write in the input field.

In the Model, you need to define the following functions:

  • subscribe: Registers an observer.

  • notifyObservers: Notifies the observer of a change.

  • getCurrentColor: Returns the current color.

  • setColor: Sets a new color.

In the ViewModel, you need to define the bind function, which reflects changes made in the view on the model and vice versa. It should do the following as well:

  • If you write green in the input, the color of the text green should change to red.

  • If you write red in the input, the color of the text red should change to blue.

  • If you write blue in the input, the of the text blue should change to green.

The view is provided to you in the form of the HTML code. Study it carefully before writing the JavaScript code.


The name of the color


The color of the text green, red, or blue changes according to the rules given

Sample input


Sample output




Challenge #

Take a close look and design a step-by-step solution before jumping on to the implementation. This problem is designed for your practice, so try to solve it on your own first. If you get stuck, you can always refer to the solution provided. Good Luck!


Let’s discuss the solution in the next lesson.