

Iterator Pattern

Iterator Pattern

This lesson discusses the iterator pattern in detail using a coding example.

What is the iterator pattern? #

The iterator pattern allows defining various types of iterators that can be used to iterate a collection of objects sequentially without exposing the underlying form.

Iterators encapsulate how the traversal occurs in an iteration. Most languages have builtin iterators such as IEnumerable and IEnumerator; however, JavaScript only supports basic looping constructs such as for, for-in, while, etc. The iterator pattern allows JavaScript developers to build other complex iterators which can be used to easily traverse collections that are stored in something complex such as graphs or trees. These iterators can then be used by the client to traverse a collection without having to know their inner working.

Iterators follow the behavior where they call a next function and step through a set of values until they reach the end. To do this they need to maintain a reference to the current position as well as the collection they are traversing. Hence, an iterator has functions such as next, hasNext, currentItem, and each.

Example #

Let’s consider an example to understand this pattern clearly.

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class Iterator{
this.index = 0;
this.elements = elements;
return this.elements[this.index++];
hasNextElement() {
return this.index <= this.elements.length;
this.index = 0;
return this.next()
function iterate(){
var items = ['Yello', 'Green', 'Blue']
var iter = new Iterator(items)
for(var i=iter.first(); iter.hasNextElement(); i=iter.next()){


In the code above, we created an Iterator class that initializes the following properties:

index: to keep track of the elements in the collection

elements: the data to traverse

class Iterator{
        this.index = 0;
        this.elements = elements;

As discussed an iterator is used to traverse a collection; hence, it should consist of methods such as:

  • next: to move to the next element in the collection

      return this.elements[this.index++];
  • hasNextElement: to check if the next element exists in the collection

    hasNextElement() {
      return this.index <= this.elements.length;
  • first: to move to the first element of the collection

      this.index = 0;
      return this.next()

Finally, to use this iterator, we implement the iterate function:

function iterate(){
    var items = ['Yello', 'Green', 'Blue']
    var iter = new Iterator(items)
    for(var i=iter.first(); iter.hasNextElement(); i=iter.next()){

We make an array items and pass it to the Iterator. Next, we implement a for loop that uses the .first, .hasNextElement, and .next methods to traverse and display the elements one-by-one.

Just like the for loop, we can also use the each method to traverse the elements of a collection. Let’s look at its implementation.

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class Iterator{
this.index = 0;
this.elements = elements;
return this.elements[this.index++];
hasNextElement() {
return this.index <= this.elements.length;
this.index = 0;
return this.next()
for (var item = this.first(); this.hasNextElement(); item = this.next()) {
function iterate(){
var items = ['Yello', 'Green', 'Blue']
var iter = new Iterator(items)

As you can see, the each method itself uses the for loop. However, the client will not be able to see that; they’ll call the each method directly without knowing its underlying implementation.

each takes a function func. It then uses the for loop and the .next, .hasNext, and .first methods to traverse the elements. For each element, it invokes the func function.

When to use the iterator pattern? #

This pattern can be used when dealing with problems explicitly related to iteration, for designing flexible looping constructs and accessing elements from a complex collection without knowing the underlying representation. You can use it to implement a generic iterator that traverses any collection independent of its type efficiently.

Now that you know what an iterator pattern is, it’s time to implement it!