Solution: Maximum Amount of Gold

Solution 1: Analyzing the structure of a solution

Instead of solving the original problem, we will check whether it’s possible to fully pack our backpack with the gold bars. Given nn gold bars of weights w0,...,wn1w_0,...,w_{n−1} (we switched to 0-based indexing) and an integer WW, is it possible to select a subset of them of total weight WW?

Exercise break: Show how to use the solution to this problem to solve the Maximum Amount of Gold Problem.

Assume that it’s possible to fully pack the backpack. There exists a set Sw0,,wn1S ⊆ {w_0,\ldots,w_{n−1}} of total weight WW. Does it include the last bar of weight wn1w_{n−1}?

Case 1: If wn1∉Sw_{n−1} \not\in S, then a backpack of capacity WW can be fully packed using the first n1n − 1 bars.

Case 2: If wn1Sw_{n−1} ∈ S, then we can remove the bar of weight wn1w_{n−1} from the backpack and the remaining bars will have weight Wwn1W − w_{n−1}. Therefore, a backpack of capacity Wwn1W − w_{n−1} can be fully packed with the first n1n − 1 gold bars.

In both cases, we reduced the problem to essentially the same problem with a smaller number of items and possibly smaller backpack capacity. We therefore consider the variable pack(w,i)pack(w, i) equal to true if it is possible to fully pack a backpack of capacity ww using the first ii bars, and false, otherwise. The analysis of the two cases above leads to the following recurrence relation for i>0i > 0,

pack(w,i)=pack(w,i1)  or  pack(wwi1,i1).pack(w,i) = pack(w,i − 1)~~ \text{or}~~ pack(w − wi−1,i − 1).

Note that the second term in the above formula does not make sense when wi1>ww_{i−1} > w. Also, pack(0,0)=pack(0,0) = true, and pack(0,w)=pack(0,w) = false for any w>0w > 0. Overall,

pack(w,i)={trueif   i=0  and  w=0falseLCS(i,j,k1)LCS(i1,j1,k1)+1if   A[i]=B[j]=C[k]pack(w, i) = \begin{cases} \text{true} & \text{if }~~ i = 0 ~~\text{and}~~ w = 0 \\ \text{false} \\ LCS(i , j, k-1) \\ LCS(i-1, j-1, k-1)+1 & \text{if }~~ A[i]=B[j]=C[k] \end{cases}

As ii ranges from 00 to nn and ww ranges from 00 to WW, we have O(nW)O(nW) variables. Since pack(,i)pack(\cdot,i) depends on pack(,i1)pack(\cdot,i−1), we process all variables in the increasing order of ii. In the pseudocode below, we use a two-dimensional array pack of size (W+1)×(n+1):pack[w][i](W +1)×(n+1): pack[w][i] stores the value of pack(w,i)pack(w,i). The running time of this solution is O(nW)O(nW).

 packpack ← two-dimensional array of size (W+1)×(n+1)(W + 1) × (n + 1)
 initialize all elements of packpack to false
 pack[0][0]pack[0][0] ← true
 for ii from 11 to nn:
 for ww from 00 to WW:
  if wi1>ww_{i−1} > w:
   pack[w][i]pack[w][i1]pack[w][i] ← pack[w][i − 1]
   pack[w][i]pack[w][i1]  OR  pack[wwi1][i1]pack[w][i] ← pack[w][i − 1] ~~\text{OR} ~~pack[w − w_{i−1}][i − 1]
 return pack[W][n]pack[W ][n]

The two-dimensional table below presents the results of the call to Knapsack([1,3,4],8)Knapsack([1,3,4],8) and uses “F” and “T” to denote false and true values.

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