Agents and Intelligent Systems

Learn about the design, functions, and types of AI agents and discover how they are the building blocks for creating advanced intelligent systems.

We are interested in building intelligent systems that mimic human behavior. Let's study the key elements for bringing such systems to life.


An agent is a program or machine that can sense what's happening around it and make decisions to do something useful. It tries to achieve a goal by sensing its surroundings and then acting in a way that will get it closer to that goal. In other words, an agent can sense the environment using sensors and act accordingly through actuators.

The table below shows some interesting examples of agents with sensors and actuators.

Agent Type




Eyes, ears, nose, skin, tongue

Hands, legs, mouth, vocal cords


Eyes, ears, beak, feathers

Wings, legs, beak


Cameras, infrared range finders, ultrasonic sensors, touch sensors

Motors, robotic arms, wheels

Autonomous vehicle

Radar, cameras, GPS, ultrasonic sensors

Steering mechanism, brakes, throttle control

Agent function

Agents receive input through sensors; we call this input "percept." A series of inputs perceived by an agent through its sensors is called percept history. Typically, an agent's decision on which action to take at any moment, using its actuators, can be based on the entire percept sequence up to that point. If we can define the agent's actions for every possible percept sequence, we have essentially described the agent's behavior completely. Mathematically, an agent's behavior is represented by the agent function, which maps each percept sequence to a corresponding action that the agent performs using its actuators.

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Example: Light control agent

Let's understand all these concepts with the aid of an example.


  • A room with a light that can be either on or off.

  • The room has a light sensor and a motion sensor.


  • Turn Light On

  • Turn Light Off


  • Light Sensor (detects whether the light is on or off)

  • Motion Sensor (detects the presence or absence of a motion)


  • A combination of light status (On/Off) and motion status (Detected/Not Detected). For example, (Light: Off, Motion: Detected).


  • Mechanisms to control the light switch.

Here’s a simple table for our automated light control system:

Percept sequence


[(Light: Off, Motion: Detected)]

Turn light on

[(Light: On, Motion: Not Detected)]

Turn light off

[(Light: Off, Motion: Not Detected)]

Do nothing

[(Light: On, Motion: Detected)]

Do nothing

As you add more percept variables or increase the number of possible values for each variable, the number of possible percept combinations grows exponentially, which in turn increases the complexity of defining the agent function. 

Mathematical representation:

Here is the agent function designed specifically for this scenario:

Given a percept p=(L,M)p = (L, M) where:

LL is the status of the light (On or Off)

MM is the status of motion (Detected or Not Detected)

The agent function ffcan be defined as follows:

f(L,M)={Turn Light Onif (L=Off and M=Detected)Turn Light Offif (L=On and M=Not Detected)Do Nothingotherwisef(L, M) = \begin{cases} \text{Turn Light On} & \text{if } (L = \text{Off} \text{ and } M = \text{Detected}) \\ \text{Turn Light Off} & \text{if } (L = \text{On} \text{ and } M = \text{Not Detected}) \\ \text{Do Nothing} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}


The following is a computer program for this problem when the robot senses motion and light is already on.

Try out different possibilities to check if the agent works well.

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# Define the possible percepts and actions as string constants
TURN_LIGHT_ON = "Turn Light On"
TURN_LIGHT_OFF = "Turn Light Off"
DO_NOTHING = "Do Nothing"
# Define the agent function
def agent_function(light_status, motion_status):
if light_status == LIGHT_OFF and motion_status == MOTION_DETECTED:
elif light_status == LIGHT_ON and motion_status == MOTION_NOT_DETECTED:
#Assumed input for the light status and motion status
light_status = "On"
motion_status = "Detected"
# Validate inputs
if light_status not in [LIGHT_ON, LIGHT_OFF]:
print("Invalid light status. Please enter 'On' or 'Off'.")
elif motion_status not in [MOTION_DETECTED, MOTION_NOT_DETECTED]:
print("Invalid motion status. Please enter 'Detected' or 'Not Detected'.")
# Execute the agent function and print the result
action = agent_function(light_status, motion_status)
print(f"Percept: (Light: {light_status}, Motion: {motion_status}) -> Action: {action}")

The above code defines a simple automated agent for controlling the light based on its current status and motion detection. It uses constants to represent possible percepts (LIGHT_ONLIGHT_OFFMOTION_DETECTEDMOTION_NOT_DETECTED) and actions (TURN_LIGHT_ONTURN_LIGHT_OFFDO_NOTHING). The agent_function decides the appropriate action: if the light is off and motion is detected, it turns the light on; if the light is on and no motion is detected, it turns the light off; otherwise, it does nothing.

Types of agents

AI agents are decision-makers that interact with their environment. They're categorized by how they make decisions and handle different situations. Here’s a look at the different types of agents and how they function.

  • Simple reflex agents: These agents act based on the current situation without considering past events. They follow basic "if-then" rules.

  • Model-based reflex agents: These agents use a model of the environment to handle partially visible information and make informed decisions.

  • Goal-based agents: These agents act to achieve specific goals, evaluating the best course of action to reach their objectives.

  • Utility-based agents: These agents aim not just to achieve goals but to do so optimally, evaluating different options based on their desirability.

  • Learning agents: These agents improve their performance by learning from past experiences and adapting to new situations over time.

Can you find the right agent for the job?

Now that you have a glimpse of how different AI agents operate, each tailored to specific tasks and goals, let's dive into some real-world scenarios where these agents could be applied. Your challenge is to match each scenario with the right type of AI agent!

Match The Answer
Select an option from the left-hand side

An AI program plays chess against a human opponent, planning several moves ahead to ensure victory. It continually evaluates its position, anticipating the opponent’s strategies, and selecting the best possible move to achieve checkmate.

Model-Based Reflex Agent

An email application automatically sorts incoming messages into “Inbox” or “Spam” based solely on the content of each email. It doesn’t consider the history of past emails or adapt its behavior based on previous actions.

Learning Agent

A language learning app provides personalized lessons to users. It tracks their progress and mistakes over time, adjusting the difficulty of exercises and offering tailored feedback to improve their learning experience.

Utility-Based Agent

An online shopping assistant suggests products based on a user’s browsing history, preferences, and past purchases. It calculates the “happiness score” of each potential recommendation to ensure the user is most likely to enjoy or buy the suggested items.

Goal-Based Agent

A self-driving car navigates a busy city street, using its sensors to detect other vehicles, pedestrians, and obstacles. It also relies on an internal map and learns from past routes to handle unexpected situations, like road closures or heavy traffic.

Simple Reflex Agent