Raycaster, Cursor, and Registering Components

Learn about the fundamental components that enable interaction in VR: the raycaster and the cursor.

The usefulness of any environment is defined by the level of interactivity it offers. This is why a fair understanding of how we interact with objects around us is essential.


In this section, we’ll learn about interaction concepts in A-Frame to make our virtual environments interactive and fun. We’ll further learn to employ A-Frame’s cursor and raycaster techniques to add interactivity to our environments.

Press + to interact
Interacting with the virtual world
Interacting with the virtual world

Interactions in A-Frame are event based. These events are emitted by specific components that describe synthetic events.


The cursorA movable pointer which lets us point and select items on a screen. helps us precisely identify and select items we want to interact with on a 2D screen. The illustration below shows a cursor hovering over a “Submit” button.

Press + to interact

Similarly, a cursor in a 3D space lets us point and select items along the x-, y-, and z-axes in a 3D environment. It visually represents the user’s gaze or pointer in the virtual 3D scene. Imagine you’re wearing a headset to experience a VR scene, and a pointer or cursor is displayed exactly in the direction of your gaze; you can gaze at different locations within the VR scene, and the pointer position is updated accordingly. It’s usually a small circular ring to not block the user’s view within the VR scene. We can customize the cursor by modifying its properties, such as its color, size, and behavior.

By default, the cursor emits a click event when the user triggers an interaction, such as pressing a button on a controller while looking at an object. This event can be used to trigger actions, such as changing the appearance or position of an object, playing a sound, or navigating to another part of the scene.


The WebXR experiences can either be viewed on a conventional 2D desktop screen or can be launched as a 3D VR experience on a VR headset. In 2D mode, we can interact with the experience via conventional web-based controls by moving the cursor to the desired button or asset and then clicking on it to register our interaction.

And if the user chooses to view the experience in VR, they’ll have to press the “VR” button on the bottom right corner of their WebXR website, which will launch the VR experience onto the headset, and the cursor will appear in the form of a reticleA ring-shaped cursor fixed to the center of the screen.. We can move the head-mounted display to move the reticle to different locations to interact with interactablesThe objects which can be interacted with, such as a button. in the 3D VR environment. In VR, we can register interaction via gazing at the button (or entity) of interest and clicking it via a controller, hand (by enabling hand tracking), or a joystick. The type of interaction can vary in subject depending on the type of VR hardware.

The cursor primitive events will behave differently for 2D and 3D experiences. WebXR listens to the following events:

  • A click event is emitted by the cursor when the user triggers an interaction, like pressing a controller button while looking at an object. The click event enhances interactivity for VR environments.

  • A fusing event is triggered on the cursor and intersected entityAn "intersected entity" is the object in the VR/AR scene that the cursor's ray is currently pointing at, enabling interactive actions. when the fuse-basedA "fuse-based" cursor is a type of cursor in A-Frame that triggers interactions after a fixed duration of looking at an object, providing a simplified way of interaction for certain experiences. cursor starts counting down.

  • A mousedown event is triggered on both the cursor and intersected entity (if any) during interactions on the canvas element.

  • A mouseenter event is triggered on the cursor and intersected entity (if any) when the cursor intersects with an entity.

  • A mouseleave event is triggered on the cursor and intersected entity (if any) when the cursor no longer intersects with the previously intersected entity.

  • A mouseup event is triggered on the cursor and intersected entity (if any) upon the mouseup event on the canvas element. We use the upEvents property to listen to additional events on the entity when we use other devices, such as controllers, to trigger the mouseup event.

Registering components

We learned that A-Frame follows the entity-component-system design pattern. This means we can create as many custom components as are required to define the behavior of our entities. A-Frame provides a way to register components that we can attach to entities in the scene to mimic the behavior we want.

We can either write our JavaScript code in a separate file and include it, or we can just write components in the script tag.

To register a component in A-Frame, we use the AFRAME.registerComponent() method. Heres an example of how to register a custom example named component named:

AFRAME.registerComponent('example', {
schema: {
abc: 123,
init: function () {
console.log('Example component initialized');
update: function () {
console.log('Example component updated');
tick: function () {
console.log('Example component tick');
remove: function () {
console.log('Example component removed');

In this example, we’re defining a component with three lifecycle methods: init(), update(), and tick().

  • The schema object specifies and explains the properties of the component. It utilizes a list of key-value pairs to represent the properties, and the corresponding values, of the component.

  • The init() method is called when the component is first attached to an entity.

  • The update() method is called whenever one of the component’s properties is updated.

  • The tick() method is called for every frame.

  • The remove() method is called when the entity to which the component is attached is removed.

The first argument to AFRAME.registerComponent() is the name of the component, which should be a unique string. The second argument is an object that defines the component’s properties and lifecycle methods.

Once you’ve registered our component, we can attach it to an entity in our HTML markup by including the component’s name as an attribute. For example:

Press + to interact
<a-entity example></a-entity>

We’re able to see the logs in our console by opening the browser’s DevTools when we run the following example:

Let’s take a look at an example of cursor interaction.

Example: Cursor interaction

This example demonstrates the use of the <a-cursor> primitive.

  • We first create a camera rig that can be thought of as an entity holding the camera. So, whenever we want to move the camera, we change the position of the rig. This is especially important with VR headsets in virtual scenes because with the WebXR Device API, when we move around in the virtual world with the headset on, the headset’s position changes.

Note: If we try to change the position of the camera programmatically, it can cause a conflict with the position of the headset. So, we don’t perform direct transformations on the camera because it conflicts with the WebXR Device API's data.

  • To fix the cursor to the screen so the cursor is always present no matter where we look, we place the <a-cursor> as a child of the active camera entity. By default, the cursor is configured to be used in a gaze-based mode and will register user input via mouse or touch.

  • We set the rayOrigin property to mouse because we’re doing development with a mouse and keyboard. We can configure variables to other input devices as well.

    • By default, the rayOrigin property is set to mouse in A-Frame. This choice is particularly useful during development when working with a mouse and a keyboard. When the rayOrigin peoperty is set to mouse, the cursor generates a ray that originates from the current position of the mouse pointer in the browser window. As a result, interactions with virtual objects in the 3D scene occur based on the movement of the mouse.

    • This design choice aligns with the typical 2D interaction model commonly used during development, making it intuitive to manipulate and interact with 3D elements using familiar mouse and keyboard inputs.

  • We also register a color-click component that listens for the click event on the entity to which it is attached. Upon clicking, we set the current entity’s color property to red by using the this.el.setAttribute('material', 'color','red') method.

  • We also listen to the mouseleave event on the entity, and when the mouse has left, we change the color property back to yellow.

It’s pretty clear how <a-cursor> works; now, let’s move on to the raycaster component.

The raycaster component

The raycaster component in A-Frame is a built-in component that allows developers to add interactive behavior to entities in the 3D scene. It works by casting a ray from a specific point in the scene, such as the user’s position, in a specified direction, such as the direction of the user’s gaze, and detecting intersections with other entities in the scene.

The cursor component builds on top of the raycaster component with all the details and events of the intersection. Behind the scenes, the cursor events use the raycaster component’s intersection events.

The raycaster component can also be configured with different attributes, such as the showLine, lineColor, direction, and objects filters. The ray direction can be set to the direction of the user’s gaze, controller, or any other vector in the scene. The objects filter can be used to limit the types of entities that the raycaster will detect.

Example: Raycast interaction

In this example, we mimic the interaction that we did in the cursor example with the raycaster component.

  • We register a component called collider-check and attach it to the camera. Now, the camera will listen for raycaster-intersection events, and whenever it detects this event, it prints Player hit something! in the browser console.

  • We register another component called intersected-check that checks for intersections on the intersected entity. In this component, we add event listeners for two events:

    • raycaster-intersected is triggered on the intersected entity.

    • raycaster-intersected-cleared is triggered when the entity is no longer being intersected by the raycaster component.

  • Both components list the raycaster component in their [dependencies] list because the components are dependent on the raycaster component and use its events. Component names specified in the dependencies array will be initialized left to right before initializing the current component.

  • We’re now able to appreciate the resemblance of the intersection events emitted by the raycaster component and how they’re used by the cursor component to check for mouse events.

  • We modify the raycaster properties as follows:

    • showLine is set to true that shows the raycasting line in the 3D scene. We can set the color of the line using the lineColor property.

    • objects is used to whitelist the entities for which the raycaster component scans the environment. We set it to .collidable in order to include all objects with that class name.

    • We modify the class property to collidable for the entity we want to be intersected. Because the class property of the box on the left is not set to collidable, it doesn’t interact with the raycaster component.

That’s it for the raycast interaction example.


In conclusion, interaction is a crucial aspect of XR and A-Frame development, providing benefits such as enhancing user engagement, providing feedback, supporting learning and training, creating personalized experiences, and increasing immersion. We learned about the fundamental component behind the interactions in A-Frame, the raycaster component, and its application in the cursor component. These components enable developers to create interactive and immersive experiences by detecting intersections between rays and entities in the 3D scene.