

Implement Rate Limiting Middleware Function

Implement Rate Limiting Middleware Function

Learn to implement an API rate-limiting middleware function using Redis.


In today's interconnected world, APIs play a crucial role in enabling communication and integration between different systems. However, ensuring fair and efficient usage of APIs is essential to maintain system stability, prevent abuse, and protect valuable resources. This is where API rate limiting comes into play. By leveraging Redis, a fast in-memory data store, and the power of Node.js, we can effectively control and regulate the rate at which clients can make requests to our API.

How Redis will be integrated within our project

For example, in our Twitter project, we have three APIs and assume one of the APIs accepts at most five requests within 10 seconds from an IP address. If more requests occur within the 10-second window, the API will return an error message. The limit gets reset once the window is over.

We’ll use Redis to store the IP address along with the API endpoint as the key and the number of requests made from the IP address to the API endpoint as the value. For example, if an IP address of makes a ...