Elliptic Curves Over Finite Fields
Learn the basic theory of elliptic curves over finite fields in this lesson.
So far, we suggested that be an elliptic curve over any field . In this section, we introduce the basic theory of elliptic curves over finite fields, which is an important case since such kinds of curves are used to build cryptographic systems. However, we just consider curves over finite fields with prime. Under this condition, we can consider without loss of generalization the curve in the short Weierstrass form
where and the discriminant is .
A very important verdict is that the addition formulas and the group law we attained in the last lesson also hold over finite fields. Since there are only finitely many pairs of coordinates with , the group
is finite as well.
Examples of elliptic curves over
In the very first step, we want to determine how elliptic curves are acting over finite fields , where is a prime . For our first examples, we look to very small groups and how these groups are constructed. For this, we need the following definition:
Quadratic residue
Let be a finite field. An element is called a quadratic residue if the equation has a solution in Otherwise, is called a quadratic nonresidue.
Example 1
Let . Then, we can calculate for every , as shown in the table given below.
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