

Building a QA System Interface in Streamlit

Building a QA System Interface in Streamlit

Learn how to enhance your QA system's interface using Streamlit to create an interactive application for file uploads and query inputs.

By now, we have a good idea of the basics of Streamlit, and we've seen how powerful and flexible it can be for building web applications. In this lesson, we’ll focus on taking our QA system to the next level by enhancing its interface with some essential functions from Streamlit: st.file_uploader and st.text_input.

These functions will help us create a more interactive and user-friendly experience. Whether it’s allowing users to upload their own files for analysis, typing in their questions directly, or organizing multiple inputs efficiently, these functions will make our QA system more dynamic and responsive.

How to upload files in Streamlit

We’ll start with st.file_uploader, which lets users easily upload documents or data files for our system to process. This is crucial for handling user-provided content and making our application more versatile. Imagine you’re building a house. The st.file_uploader is like a door where users can bring their own files into the app. It’s a simple and effective way to let users upload documents or data that our QA system will analyze. Let’s learn how to implement this feature and handle the uploaded files efficiently. Here’s a simple example to get started:

import streamlit as st

uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file")
if uploaded_file is not None:
    # Perform file processing here
    st.write("File uploaded successfully!")
Streamlit file uploader functionality

Let’s break down what’s happening here:

  • Line 3: The first argument of st.file_uploader is the label, a string that prompts the user to upload a file. For example, "Choose a file". Once a file is uploaded, we can handle it using standard file-handling methods in Python. The uploaded_file object behaves like a file object, so you can read its contents, save it, or process it as needed.

  • Line 4–6: This checks if a file has ...