Requirements for URL Shortening Design

Let’s look at the functional and non-functional requirements for the service we’ll be designing:

Functional requirements

  • Short URL generation: Our service should be able to generate a unique shorter alias of the given URL.
  • Redirection: Given a short link, our system should be able to redirect the user to the original URL.
  • Custom short links: Users should be able to generate custom short links for their URLs using our system.
  • Deletion: Users should be able to delete a short link generated by our system, given the rights.
  • Update: Users should be able to update the long URL associated with the short link, given the proper rights.
  • Expiry time: There must be a default expiration time for the short links, but users should be able to set the expiration time based on their requirements.



As a design choice, we don’t reuse the expired short URLs. Since we don’t reuse them, why do we need to delete them from our system?

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Non-functional requirements

  • Availability: Our system should be highly available, because even a fraction of the second downtime would result in URL redirection failures. Since our system’s domain is in URLs, we don’t have the leverage of downtime, and our design must have fault-tolerance conditions instilled in it.
  • Scalability: Our system should be horizontally scalable with increasing demand.
  • Readability: The short links generated by our system should be easily readable, distinguishable, and typeable.
  • Latency: The system should perform at low latency to provide the user with a smooth experience.
  • Unpredictability: From a security standpoint, the short links generated by our system should be highly unpredictable. This ensures that the next-in-line short URL is not serially produced, eliminating the possibility of someone guessing all the short URLs that our system has ever produced or will produce.



Why is producing unpredictable short URLs mandatory for our system?

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Resource estimation

It’s better to have realistic estimations at the start. For instance, we might need to change them in the future based on the design modifications. Let’s make some assumptions to complete our estimation.


  • We assume that the shortening:redirection request ratio is 1:1001:100.
  • There are 200 million new URL shortening requests per month.
  • A URL shortening entry requires 500 Bytes of database storage.
  • Each entry will have a maximum of five years of expiry time, unless explicitly deleted.
  • There are 100 million Daily Active Users (DAU).

Storage estimation

Since entries are saved for a time period of 5 years and there are a total of 200 million entries per month, the total entries will be approximately 12 billion.

200 Million/month×12 months/year×5 years=12 Billion URL shortening requests200 \ Million/month \times 12 \ months/year \times 5 \ years = 12 \ Billion\ URL\ shortening\ requests

Since each entry is 500 Bytes, the total storage estimate would be 6 TB: 12 Billion×500 Bytes=6 TB12 \ Billion \times 500 \ Bytes = 6 \ TB

URL Shortening Service Storage Estimation Calculator

URL shortening per month200Million
Expiration time5Years
URL object size500Bytes
Total number of requestsf12Billion
Total storagef6TB

Query rate estimation

Based on the estimations above, we can expect 20 billion redirection requests per month.

200 Million×100=20 Billion200 \ Million \times 100 = 20 \ Billion

We can extend our calculations for Queries Per Second (QPS) for our system from this baseline. The number of seconds in one month, given the average number of days per month is 30.42:

30.42 days×24 hours×60 minutes×60 seconds=2628288 seconds30.42\ days \times 24\ hours \times 60\ minutes \times 60\ seconds = 2628288\ seconds

Considering the calculation above, new URL shortening requests per second will be:

200 Million2628288 seconds=76 URLs/s\frac{200 \ Million}{2628288 \ seconds} = 76 \ URLs/s

With a 1:1001:100 shortening to redirecting ratio, the URL redirection rate per second will be:

100×76 URLs/s=7.6 K URLs/s100 \times 76 \ URLs/s = 7.6 \ K\ URLs/s

Bandwidth estimation

Shortening requests: The expected arrival rate will be 76 new URLs per second. The total incoming data would be 304 Kbps304\ Kbps per second:

76×500 Bytes×8 bits=304 Kbps76 \times 500 \ Bytes \times 8\ bits = 304 \ Kbps

Redirection requests: Since the expected rate would be 7.6K URLs redirections per second, the total outgoing data would be 30.4Mbps30.4 Mbps per second: 7.6 K×500 Bytes×8 bits=30.4 Mbps7.6 \ K \times 500 \ Bytes \times 8\ bits = 30.4 \ Mbps

Memory estimation

We need memory estimates in case we want to cache some of the frequently accessed URL redirection requests. Let’s assume a split of 80-20 in the incoming requests. 20 percent of redirection requests generate 80 percent of the traffic.

Since the redirection requests per second are 7.6 K, the total would be 0.66 billion for one day. 7.6 K×3600 seconds×24 hours=0.66 billion7.6 \ K \times 3600 \ seconds \times 24 \ hours = 0.66 \ billion

Since we would only consider caching 20 percent of these per-day redirection requests, the total memory requirements estimate would be 66 GB.

0.2×0.66 Billion×500 Bytes=66 GB0.2 \times 0.66 \ Billion \times 500 \ Bytes = 66 \ GB

URL Shortening Service Estimates Calculator

URL shortening per month200Million
URL redirection per monthf20Billion
Query rate for URL shorteningf76URLs / s
Query rate for URL redirectionf7600URLs / s
Single entry storage size500Bytes
Incoming dataf304Kbps
Outgoing dataf30.4Mbps
Cache memory f66GB

Number of servers estimation

We adopt the same approximation discussed in the Back-of-the-Envelope Calculations to calculate the number of servers needed: the number of daily active users and the requests handling limit of a server are the two main factors in depicting the total number of servers required. Recall that a typical server can serve 64,000 requests per second (RPS). Considering our assumption of using daily active users as a proxy for the number of requests per second for peak load times, we get 100 million requests per second. Then, we use the following formula to calculate the number of servers:

Summarizing estimation

Based on the assumption above, the following table summarizes our estimations:

Type of operation

Time estimates

New URLs


URL redirections

7.6 K/s

Incoming data

304 Kbps

Outgoing data

30.4 Mbps

Storage for 5 years

6 TB

Memory for cache

66 GB



Building blocks we will use

With the estimations done, we can identify the key building blocks in our design. Such a list is given below:

  • Database(s) will be needed to store the mapping of long URLs and the corresponding short URLs.

  • Sequencer will provide unique IDs that will serve as a starting point for each short URL generation.

  • Load balancers at various layers will ensure smooth requests distribution among available servers.

  • Caches will be utilized to store the most frequent short URLs related requests.

  • Rate limiters will be used to avoid system exploitation.

Besides these building blocks, we'll also need the following additional components to achieve the desired service:

  • Servers to handle and navigate the service requests along with running the application logic.
  • A Base-58 encoder to transform the sequencer’s numeric output to a more readable and usable alphanumeric form.
Components in high level design