Comparisons of Different API Architecture Styles

In this lesson, we’ll look into the API architecture styles—REST, GraphQL, and gRPC—and discuss when to choose which style.


REST defines a set of constraints due that every API conforming to the REST style should abide by. All HTTP methods can be used in REST API calls to perform CRUDCreate, Read, Update, and Delete operations—for instance, `POST` to create a resource, `GET` request to read a resource, `PUT` to update the resource, and `DELETE` to remove a resource. 

When REST can be useful

REST APIs turn out to be a more suitable option in the following cases:Flexibility: REST also provides flexibility due to its lesser burden on the server side than GraphQL.

  • CRUD operations on resources: REST is resource oriented and used to perform CRUD operations on data sources.

  • Stateless behavior: When we need to maintain a stateless behavior in our requests and response paradigm—for example, if the servers don't need to store any data from the prior requests to execute the current request. The data in the request is enough to execute it successfully.

  • Targeting a couple of resources/endpoints at a time: When the number of resources to operate on is few.

  • REST as a wrapper: The RESTful interface can also be used around the gRPC channel internally to route the requests to other APIs or services.

  • Flexibility: REST also provides flexibility due to its lesser burden on the server side than GraphQL.

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