/Representational State Transfer (REST): Web Architecture Style
Representational State Transfer (REST): Web Architecture Style
Understand the constraints of REST architecture style and its purpose.
In December 1990, Tim Berners-Lee had a vision for information sharing and started a World Wide Web (or simply the web) project. Initially, during the World Wide Web’s design phase, the web was for a limited number of people; however, when it was opened to the public, the number of users started multiplying and increased to
Note: “All design decisions at the architectural level should be made within the context of the functional, behavioral, and social requirements of the system being designed, which is a principle that applies equally to both software architecture and the traditional field of building architecture.”
— Roy Fielding (The author of the Ph.D. dissertation that originally presented REST.)
Representational state transfer (REST)
REST is a well-known web architecture style proposed by
Hence, in order to scale the Internet, a pragmatic approach is adopted to satisfy all the following constraints:
Uniform interface
Layered system
We explain each constraint in detail below.
Client-server is the most commonly employed architectural style for network-based applications. A server