

Requirements of the CamelCamelCamel API

Requirements of the CamelCamelCamel API

Understand the functional and non-functional requirements for the CamelCamelCamel API service.

Introduction to the CamelCamelCamel API

In e-commerce, customers are inquisitive to know when a price drop occurs for a specific product. Customers cannot regularly examine a product to track price changes. So, they are notified via price drop alerts (to entice customers to buy things) when the price of a specific product has decreased. The CamelCamelCamel API (referred to as C3 in further discussion) provides a price drop alert service for customers interested in buying products on Amazon. We'll analyze and discuss the workflow and operations of the C3 service because designing a C3 API requires us to properly understand the service's core functionality.

To provide these services to the clients, C3 uses the product advertising API ...