/A Memory-efficient Store for SILT: Part III
A Memory-efficient Store for SILT: Part III
Learn how to design a memory-efficient key-value store.
Bulk merge of intermediary stores with memory-efficient store
There needs to be a configurable number of intermediary stores accumulated. Once we have the required number then we can bulk merge the intermediary stores and the current instance of the memory-efficient store.
The intermediary store maintains values in hash order and maintains sequential read access. Merging these with our sorted memory-efficient store is efficient since all values are sorted. The merge process occurs in two steps listed below:
Sorting entries in intermediary stores
Sequentially merging sorted intermediary stores with the memory-efficient store
The first step in our bulk merge is sorting all intermediary stores that need merging. We do this by enumerating every entry in the intermediary stores and storing them in sorted key order. In the end we have all the entries from our intermediary stores sorted and stored together.
Next, we will choose the newest valid entries between our sorted intermediary store entries and our ...