/Detailed Design of Chubby: Part III
Detailed Design of Chubby: Part III
Let’s learn about caching and sessions in Chubby.
We'll cover the following...
This lesson describes some more aspects of Chubby's design. The table below summarizes the goals of this lesson.
Lesson Summary
Section | Purpose |
Caching | This helps Chubby to deal with excessive read traffic. |
Session | This explains the relationship between the client and the primary replica and how a client can stay connected to the primary replica. |
What if we have too many read requests? Chubby reduces the read traffic by letting Chubby clients cache locked file data and metadata of client-requested nodes in a consistent and
The primary replica keeps a list of data that clients are caching and sends invalidations to the client to keep the cache consistent. The protocol ensures that a client can only get a consistent Chubby state or an error.
What if the data or metadata is to be changed, and a client is reading from the cache? The following process occurs.
The primary replica blocks the modifications and sends invalidations to clients with the relevant data cached.
When a client receives an invalidation, it flushes the invalidated state and acknowledges it by making a KeepAlive call (KeepAlives are discussed in detail in the next section).
The primary replica is notified that the client has flushed its cache from the client.
After that, the modification is started on the data or metadata.
While the invalidation is in progress, two approaches can be opted for read operations that are happening afterwards.
Approach 1: If cache invalidations remain unacknowledged by the client, the primary replica keeps the node uncacheable, so a round of invalidations is necessary. This approach lets the reads to have uncached access without delay. It is favorable because read operations exceed the write operations considerably. ...