Introduction to Spark

Learn about a new framework for efficient, iterative, and interactive data processing.

The original MapReduce system set the stage to process a large volume of data efficiently by adding more worker machines to get faster results. The runtime of MapReduce automatically managed the cumbersome details of distributed and parallel computing. Moreover, the programming interface was also very simple to use for the programmers. Even though MapReduce is primarily a batch-oriented data processing system, all the data to be processed should be available at the start of the process. Many of our data processing needs are not met by the MapReduce model. Two prominent examples are as follows:

  1. Iterative data process where we use the same data repeatedly until we converge on some goal

  2. Interactive, ad hoc queries on the same set of data

While one can argue that for both of the scenarios above, we can still use the MapReduce framework where we repeatedly use Map and Reduce tasks. Though the problem is that the latency to get the result will be non-real time and fairly high because each new iteration of the MapReduce job reads input data from the replicated persistent store (that it just wrote as output in the last cycle). We need a new processing framework without the inefficiencies of the MapReduce model.

Iterative MapReduce
Iterative MapReduce

Note: One might argue that use of a replicated, persistent store for the final output of the Reduce phase is wasteful. However, doing so simplifies many tricky aspects of data loss and integrity. We can also see it as a trade-off between design simplicity and performance (latency). It was a plausible design point because in a typical MapReduce job, the time spent in the Map and Reduce processing is much larger than the time spent on ...