Ordering Requests: Part II

Learn about another method to generate unique identifiers: replica-generated identifiers.

In previous request ordering protocols, the unique identifier for a request is proposed by the client making the request. Now we will look at a protocol where our state machine replicas decide on a unique identifier for a request.

Method 3: Replica-generated identifiers

This protocol has two phases:

  1. In the first phase, state machine replicas present candidate unique identifiers for a request.

  2. In the second phase, the replicas select one of the proposed unique identifiers to identify the request.

In our previous approaches, we needed significant communication between servers for assigning unique identifiers. With logical clocks, communication is required for stable requests. And with synced real-time clocks, communication is required to keep clocks synchronized. With replica-generated identifiers, we only require communication between servers that run clients and replicas.

To explain this protocol for ordering requests, let’s establish some definitions first. A state machine replica has seen a request if it has received the request and proposed a candidate unique identifier for the request. A state machine replica has accepted a request if it knows the ultimate choice of the unique identifier for the request. We will use cuid(smi,r)cuid(sm_i, r) to refer to the candidate unique identifier for request rr proposed by state machine replica smism_i and uid(r)uid(r) as the unique identifier chosen by replicas.

Now, we will set some rules for cuid(smi,r)cuid(sm_i, r):

  1. [UID1UID1] cuid(smi,r)cuid(sm_i, r) is always less than or equal to uid(r)uid(r). This ensures that the chosen unique identifier for a request is always the largest of the proposed unique identifiers by state machine replicas.

  2. [UID2UID2] If smism_i has seen a request rr' after it has accepted another request rr, then uid(r)uid(r) will be less than the proposed cuid(smi,r)cuid(sm_i, r'). This ensures that a state machine replica always proposes a unique identifier larger than any chosen identifier.

To enforce the order requirement, we need to ensure that every request's agreed identifier is unique. In other words, if two requests are not the same, their unique identifiers are also different. Another thing we need to ensure is that every request seen is eventually accepted. The order requirement will be satisfied if we can ensure these two requirements and the rules for cuid(smi,r)cuid(sm_i, r) ...