

Nested Arrays

Nested Arrays

Learn to use arrays of arrays in JavaScript.

What is a nested array?

In JavaScript, a nested array is an array that contains other arrays as its values or members. The container array is termed an outer array, and the member array is termed an inner array. An array is said to be a nested array if it has another array as one or more of its members, even if all other members of the outer array are not arrays.

Can you think of some instances where we might have been using a structure same as a multi-dimensional array? One such example is a crossword puzzle!

The general concepts of two-dimensional arrays, n-dimensional arrays, or jagged arrays are implemented as nested arrays in JavaScript. The following program illustrates the structure of a nested array:

The following illustration shows the structure of the array above:

Here’s another example of the structure of a nested array:

The following illustration shows the structure of the list above:

Here’s another example of a nested list:

The following illustration shows the structure of the list above.

We can also create a new array, dlist, with the help of all the arrays above (alist, blist, and clist) using list initialization.

In the code above:

  • We create three arrays—alist, blist, and clist.

  • We create a new array, ...