Solution Review: Building the Discriminator
Learn to define the network architecture, loss function, and optimiser for the discriminator class.
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import torchimport torch.nn as nn# discriminator classclass Discriminator(nn.Module):def __init__(self):# initialise parent pytorch classsuper().__init__()# define neural network layersself.model = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(5, 3),nn.Sigmoid(),nn.Linear(3, 1),nn.Sigmoid())# create loss functionself.loss_function = nn.MSELoss()# create optimiser, simple stochastic gradient descentself.optimiser = torch.optim.SGD(self.parameters(), lr=0.01)# counter and accumulator for progressself.counter = 0;self.progress = []passdef forward(self, inputs):# simply run modelreturn self.model(inputs)def train(self, inputs, targets):# calculate the output of the networkoutputs = self.forward(inputs)# calculate lossloss = self.loss_function(outputs, targets)# increase counter and accumulate error every 10self.counter += 1;if (self.counter % 10 == 0):self.progress.append(loss.item())passif (self.counter % 10000 == 0):print("counter = ", self.counter)pass# zero gradients, perform a backward pass, update weightsself.optimiser.zero_grad()loss.backward()self.optimiser.step()passdef plot_progress(self):df = pandas.DataFrame(self.progress, columns=['loss'])df.plot(ylim=(0, 1.0), figsize=(16,8), alpha=0.1, marker='.', grid=True, yticks=(0, 0.25, 0.5))passpass
Lines 13-18 defines the network ...