

Kafka Connect Sink Connectors

Kafka Connect Sink Connectors

Learn about the Kafka Connect Sink connectors and how to build a data pipeline from Kafka to PostgreSQL.

Kafka Connect has Sink connectors for various systems, including databases. Here, we will learn how to build a data pipeline from Kafka to PostgreSQL using the popular JDBC Sink connector.

Here is a high-level representation of the solution we will implement. Let’s dive into its individual building blocks and understand how they work.

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End-to-end solution using thw JDBC Sink connector
End-to-end solution using thw JDBC Sink connector

Kafka JDBC Sink connector

The Kafka Connect JDBC Sink connector allows us to export data from Apache Kafka topics to any relational database with a JDBC driver. The connector provides many capabilities, most of which are configured/activated using the connector properties. Here are some of the important ones:

  • It can create the destination table if it is missing (the auto.create configuration should be set to true).

  • If auto.evolve is set to true and the connector encounters a record for which a column is missing, it can execute the ALTER command to perform auto-evolution of the table.

  • It makes idempotent writes possible with upserts (defined by the insert.mode property). The default insert.mode is insert. Upsert semantics refer to atomically adding a new row or updating the existing row if there is a primary key constraint violation, which provides idempotence.

  • It provides at-least-once guarantees and supports the dead-letter queue (DLQ) functionality (based on max.retries).

  • If delete.enabled is enabled, the connector deletes the row ...