Hands-On Activity: Developing a Chatbot Using Chat Completions

Learn and implement multi-turn conversations by creating a simple chatbot with the OpenAI API.

We'll cover the following

The Chat Completion API enables models to emulate human-like conversations.

In this project, we'll build a simple chatbot that can answer questions. The chatbot will be able to understand the context of the question and provide a relevant response.

Before getting started with code, let's first understand what we will build. We aim to develop a simple chatbot that will leverage the power of chat completions. The chatbot will respond to user messages and keep track of the complete conversation.

On the Educative platform, it is not possible to get continuous user input, so we'll simulate a conversation by creating specifying all the user input before the conversation starts. But the subsequent user questions rely on the response to previous questions.

Create a chatbot

The goal of this exercise is to provide understanding of the basics of starting a multi-turn chat interaction using the OpenAI API. The exercise will involve using the gpt-3.5-turbo model to interact with the API.

We are going to implement and create an interaction with the model that will involve asking questions related to a certain topic, which in our case is programming. The goal is to see if the history of the conversation will be maintained with respect to the context.

We can use the following steps to implement this task.

Begin by importing the openai library and setting the API key.

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