

POS Tagging - Continued

POS Tagging - Continued

Let's continue learning about POS tagging.


Word-sense-disambiguation (WSD) is a classical NLU problem of deciding in which sense a particular word is used in a sentence. A word can have many senses—for instance, consider the word "bass." Here are some senses we can think of:

  • Bass—seabass, fish (noun (N))

  • Bass—lowest male voice (N)

  • Bass—male singer with lowest voice range (N)

Determining the sense of the word can be crucial in search engines, machine translation, and question-answering systems. For the preceding example, "bass," a POS tagger is unfortunately not of much help as the tagger labels all senses with a noun tag. We need more than a POS tagger. How about the word "beat?" Let's have a look at this here:

  • Beat—to strike violently (verb (V)) ...