Exercise: Script Explanation with OpenAI

Test the concepts we’ve learned with a coding exercise.

We'll cover the following

Problem statement

In this exercise, develop a straightforward Python script for fundamental geometry computations using the GeometryCalculator class. Additionally, incorporate a function named explain_script that employs ChatGPT to articulate a natural language description of the script’s intent.

Coding challenge

  1. Implement a Python class named GeometryCalculator featuring the subsequent methods:

    1. area_of_circle(radius): Compute the area of a circle.

    2. perimeter_of_square(side_length): Compute the perimeter of a square.

  2. Construct a function named explain_script that utilizes ChatGPT to provide a coherent, natural language elucidation of the script’s purpose. This explanation should encompass the function of the GeometryCalculator class and its methods.

  3. Showcase the application of the GeometryCalculator class by initializing an instance, conducting geometric calculations, and invoking the explain_script function.

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