Three Basis Sets: 0°, 60°, and −60°

Learn how three quantum basis systems can be mathematically derived from each other, and how a state vector representation transforms with a change of basis.

Let’s apply what we have learned to the change of basis for linearly polarized photons, which we will need in the third last chapter. And in fact, the change of basis states for photons is an operation commonly used in many quantum information processes.

We will consider three state-space sets of basis vectors, one with the hlp|\text{hlp}⟩ along the direction labeled 0°0\degree and the other two with the corresponding basis vectors rotated by 60°60\degree and 60°-60\degree from the initial direction 0°0\degree. We will label the basis vectors as follows.

  • Basis vectors hlp0°\ket{\text{hlp}}_{0\degree} and vlp0°|\text{vlp}⟩_{0\degree}.
  • Basis vectors hlp60°\ket{\text{hlp}}_{60\degree} and vlp60°|\text{vlp}⟩_{60\degree}.
  • Basis vectors hlp60°\ket{\text{hlp}}_{-60\degree} and vlp60°|\text{vlp}⟩_{-60\degree}.

We can use the following equation to relate the various basis vectors:

q=cosθ x+sinθ yr=sinθ x+cosθ y.\begin{align*} \ket{q} &= \cos\theta~\ket{x} + \sin\theta~\ket{y}\\ \ket{r} &= -\sin\theta~\ket{x} + \cos\theta~ \ket{y}. \end{align*}

For example,

hlp60°=cos60°hlp0°+sin60°vlp0°=12hlp0°+32vlp0°vlp60°=sin60°hlp0°+cos60°vlp0°=32hlp0°+12vlp0°.\begin{align*} \ket{\text{hlp}}_{60\degree} &= \cos 60\degree \ket{\text{hlp}}_{0\degree} + \sin 60\degree \ket{\text{vlp}}_{0\degree} &= \frac{1}{2} \ket{\text{hlp}}_{0\degree} + \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} \ket{\text{vlp}}_{0\degree}\\ \ket{\text{vlp}}_{60\degree} &= -\sin 60\degree \ket{\text{hlp}}_{0\degree} + \cos 60\degree \ket{\text{vlp}}_{0\degree} &= -\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} \ket{\text{hlp}}_{0\degree} + \frac{1}{2} \ket{\text{vlp}}_{0\degree}. \end{align*}

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