Architecture of OpenAI GPT Transformer Models

Let's begin our journey by exploring GPT-3 transformer models.

Suprahuman NLP with GPT-3 transformer models

GPT-3 is built on the GPT-2 architecture. However, a fully trained GPT-3 transformer is a foundation model. A foundation model can do many tasks it wasn’t trained for. GPT-3 completion applies all NLP tasks and even programming tasks.

GPT-3 is one of the few fully trained transformer models that qualify as foundation models. GPT-3 will no doubt lead to more powerful OpenAI models. Google will produce foundation models beyond the Google BERT version they trained on their supercomputers. Foundation models represent a new way of thinking about AI.

It will not take long for companies to realize they do not need a data scientist or an AI specialist to start an NLP project with an API like the one that OpenAI provides.

Why bother with any other tool? An OpenAI API is available with access to one of the most efficient transformer models trained on one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world.

Why develop tools, download libraries, or use any other tool if an API exists that only deep pockets and the best research teams in the world can design, such as Google or OpenAI?

The answer to these questions is quite simple. It’s easy to start a GPT-3 engine, just as it is easy to start a Formula 1 or Indy 500 race car. No problem. But, trying to drive such a car is nearly impossible without months of training! GPT-3 engines are powerful AI race cars. You can get them to run in a few clicks. However, mastering their incredible horsepower requires the knowledge you have acquired from the beginning of this course up to now and what you will discover in the following chapters!

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