Read data from a file using read() in C
C is a high-level general-use programming language for making software and system programming. The read() function The read() function is a low-level ...
How to resolve "normal site-packages is not writable" in Python
In Python, the error message “Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable” usually appears when we try to install pa...
How to find the nth term of the Fibonacci series using recursion
Fibonacci series Let’s first see what the Fibonacci series is: The Fibonacci series generally starts with 1 and 1 as default, which means that the fir...
How to convert Epsilon NFA to NFA
Overview A nondeterministic finite automaton has zero, one, or more than one transition from one state to another or itself. In epsilon nondeterminist...
How to make your site live on GitHub Pages
Developers often encounter a problem with web hosting, but do you know that GitHub Pages can help us publish our static site over the internet, free o...
How to dynamically load a JS file in JavaScript
Key Takeaways Dynamic file/script loading in JavaScript reduces initial page load time. It ensures that only essential resources are loaded up front, ...
How to get vector length in Rust
In Rust , the vector is a fundamental data structure provided by the standard collection library. It serves as a dynamic array that can store values o...
What is the difference between a method and a function?
Overview A function is a set of instructions or procedures to perform a specific task, and a method is a set of instructions that are associated with ...
How to write "Hello World" in HTML
Key takeaways HTML is the backbone of web pages. It defines the content structure and layout, ensuring that everything from text to images is properly...
How to list all the environment variables in Python
Using os.environ The os.environ is an object that represents users’ environment variables and their values. It gives you a dictionary with the user’s ...
How to generate a square pattern in Python
Several patterns can be printed using Python, once we have a strong grip over the concepts involving loops. Here, we will be using simple for loops to...
How to group by multiple columns in LINQ
LINQ Language Integrated Query is a powerful method for accessing data from different sources like arrays, databases, XML documents, etc. With LINQ, w...
What are the roles of a database administrator?
A database is a storehouse for a large amount of data, which is used in organizations and firms. A database management system is a program that helps ...
How to represent maps in YAML
Introduction Maps are data structures used to store key-value pairs. There are two ways to represent maps in YAML: Mapping nodes Mapping scalars Mappi...
How to assign NaN to a variable in Python
Key takeaways NaN stands for “Not a Number,” which represents unrepresentable numeric values in Python. NaN is commonly used in data analysis to repre...
What is the re.sub() function in Python?
Key takeaways: The re.sub() function in Python is commonly used for substituting patterns in strings based on RegEx. Group capturing in RegEx allows f...
What is ast.literal_eval(node_or_string) in Python?
Python ast module The ast module (Abstract Syntax Tree) tree representation of source code allows us to interact with and modify Python code. Python c...
How to extract the fractional part of a float number in Python
In this shot, we will learn how to extract a float number’s fractional part. 1. Using the modulo ( % ) operator The % operator is an arithmetic operat...
How to find the factorial of a number in C++
In this shot, we will discuss how to use a for loop to find the factorial of a number in C++. The factorial of a number is the product of all the inte...
How to convert finite automata to regular expressions
Every finite automaton has an equivalent regular expression. The conversion of a finite automaton to a regular expression is done through the state el...