Module 5 of Skill Path: Web Page Styling—CSS

Sass for CSS: Advanced Front-End Development

Module Overview

SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a scripting language known as a CSS preprocessor. CSS preprocessors are compiled into CSS and, by doing so, extend the default capabilities of CSS. SASS makes authoring stylesheets faster, easier, and more flexible. It’s a welcome helper in the world of web design because anyone who’s created a website knows that CSS is hard. In this module, we’ll learn how to use nesting, variables, mixins, partials, functions, and more to write dynamic and reusable styles of code. We’ll also learn the various methods to structure our projects and bring organization to our stylesheets. By the end of this module, we’ll have advanced knowledge of SASS. We’ll be able to migrate an existing CSS codebase, as well as set up an entire project (and build process) from scratch.

Module Objectives

Learn how to make authoring stylesheets faster, easier, and more flexible.

Elevate your skills to write dynamic and reusable styles of code.

Understand how to migrate an existing CSS codebase.



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billed annually ($199)

4 interest-free payments

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Module 6

Module 4

Content (Module 5)
Module 6


per mo,

billed annually ($199)

4 interest-free payments