Module 8 of Skill Path: Educative-77 in JavaScript: Accelerate Your Coding Interview Prep
This module teaches you two of the most important problem-solving techniques in the optimization domain: Greedy Techniques and Dynamic Programming. Not all problems require an exhaustive search through the solution space. Rather, consistently choosing the locally optimal solution can be proven to yield the globally optimal solution. In such situations, Greedy Techniques result in simple, highly efficient solutions. Other problems have a well-defined structure, where the same subproblem is encountered and solved multiple times. Dynamic Programming techniques allow us to compute once and reuse the solutions to recurring subproblems.
The ability to recognize when Greedy Techniques result in optimal solutions
Hands-on experience with using the Greedy Techniques pattern
The ability to analyze problems as being composed of nested subproblems
The ability to recognize opportunities for improving efficiency using Dynamic Programming
A working knowledge of the Dynamic Programming pattern
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Lifetime Discount 50% OFF
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