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Adversarial Robustness of Neural Networks


Adversarial Robustness of Neural Networks

In this project, we will learn how to generate adversarial attacks and improve neural networks’ adversarial robustness.

Adversarial Robustness of Neural Networks

You will learn to:

Generate adversarial attacks on neural networks.

Visualize inputs with and without adversarial noise.

Identify adversarial examples vs. normal examples.

Improve the robustness of neural networks with adversarial fine-tuning.


Deep Learning

Neural Networks

Data Visualization


Basic understanding of deep learning concepts

Basic understanding of PyTorch

Familiarity with Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART)







Project Description

Neural networks have shown impressive performance across various tasks such as classification, segmentation, etc. They consist of interconnected sets of neurons mimicking the human brain. Neural networks are trained using a gradient descent algorithm that updates the parameters of the network. However, neural networks are brittle and are prone to adversarial attacks.

In this project, we’ll learn techniques to perform adversarial attacks on already trained neural networks. We will also visualize the input images with and without adversarial noise. We’ll train networks to identify adversarial examples. Finally, we’ll understand mitigation methods such as adversarial fine-tuning. We’ll use the PyTorch library to implement the logic for training neural networks and classifiers. We will also use Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART), a Python library, to perform adversarial attacks. The input images will be visualized using the Matplotlib library.

Project Tasks



Task 0: Get Started

Task 1: Import Libraries

Task 2: Load the Pretrained Model

Task 3: Load the Dataset


Adversarial Attacks

Task 4: Perform Adversarial Attacks

Task 5: Visualize Adversarial Images


Evaluate Robustness

Task 6: Evaluate Model Performance on Adversarial Images

Task 7: Evaluate Model Performance on Normal Images


Detect Adversarial Examples

Task 8: Train a Classifier to Detect Adversarial Examples

Task 9: Identify Adversarial Examples from Normal Examples


Adversarial Training

Task 10: Train the Model with Adversarial Examples

Task 11: Evaluate Model’s Performance After Adversarial Training


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