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Automated Testing using Python and Selenium
In this project, we’ll write automated test scripts using Python and Selenium. We’ll be using the pytest framework to write test cases for functional, performance, regression, security, and UI testing in a front-end environment.
You will learn to:
Write and execute automated test scripts using Python, Selenium, and the pytest framework.
Write test scripts for various testing types, including functional, performance, regression, security, and UI testing.
Use Selenium locators to interact with web elements during test execution.
Perform element interactions, such as clicking buttons and entering text, using Selenium.
Automated Testing
Frontend Testing
Basic understanding of Python
Basic understanding of Selenium and Selenium locators
Basic understanding of the pytest framework
Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and DOM
Project Description
This project focuses on automated testing using Python and Selenium within a front-end environment. The goal is to create comprehensive test scripts for a website, covering functional, performance, regression, security, and UI testing. We’ll use the pytest framework to write test cases involving various tasks, such as adding/removing elements, drag and drop interactions, multiple window handling, testing dynamic controls, file upload/download, authentication processes, hovers, infinite scroll, etc.
Throughout the project, we’ll learn to interact with web elements directly using Selenium locators. These locators will enable us to precisely identify and manipulate elements on the website, such as clicking buttons, entering text into text boxes, verifying element attributes, and more. By working with different test cases, we’ll develop proficiency in creating reliable and thorough test scenarios for functional, performance, regression, security, and UI testing.
By the end of this project, we’ll have acquired skills in writing automated test scripts using Python, Selenium, and the pytest framework in a front-end environment. This hands-on experience will enable us to write comprehensive test cases for websites, ensuring their quality and reliability across various testing aspects.
Project Tasks
Task 0: Get Started
Functional and Performance Testing
Task 1: Add and Remove Elements
Task 2: Drag and Drop
Task 3: Test the Forgot Password Functionality
Task 4: Test the JavaScript Alerts Functionality
Task 5: Test the Multiple Windows Functionality
Task 6: Test the Performance of Dynamic Controls
Regression and Security Testing
Task 7: Regression Test the File Download Functionality
Task 8: Regression Test the File Upload Functionality
Task 9: Test the Security of Form Authentication
UI Testing
Task 10: Test the UI for Broken Images
Task 11: Test the UI for the Horizontal Slider
Task 12: Test the UI for the Hover Functionality
Task 13: Test the UI for the Infinite Scroll Functionality
Relevant Courses
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