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Build a 3-D Tic-tac-toe Using React Three Fiber


Build a 3-D Tic-tac-toe Using React Three Fiber

In this project, we'll learn how to build a 3-D tic-tac-toe game with three.js and React Three Fiber. We'll create 3-D objects, animate them, and render them on the browser.

Build a 3-D Tic-tac-toe Using React Three Fiber

You will learn to:

Set up scenes and cameras and manipulate them using objects and meshes.

Use geometry and meshes to develop realistic-looking objects.

Create and animate 3-D objects to render them in a React application.

Create interactive and reusable component-based scenes.



Web Development


Good understanding of JavaScript

Basic understanding of React Three Fiber and three.js

Basic understanding of geometry for simple calculations

Basic understanding of functional components, states, and hooks in React




Project Description

Three.js is a JavaScript library that uses WebGL to render and display 2-D and 3-D animated objects in the browser. It also provides different light sources, effects, shaders, and more to enhance a scene.

React Three Fiber is a renderer for three.js that renders 3-D models and animations for React applications. It allows us to build three.js components using React states, hooks, and props.

In this project, we’ll use three.js and React Three Fiber to build a 3-D tic-tac-toe game using pre-build components to render 3-D shapes.

First, we will create a simple scene by setting up the camera, lights, and environment. Then, we’ll create a 3-D 3x3 grid, along with sphere and cube shapes to display on the scene. We will style the components by changing their color and dimensions. The final version of the game will allow playing the game between two different 3-D shapes, win or tie a game, and also restart the game at any point.

The final layout of the game will look like the following:

Final layout of the game

Project Tasks



Task 0: Get Started

Task 1: Setting up the Scene


Develop the Grid and Shape Meshes

Task 2: Create and Import the GridLine Component

Task 3: Create the SphereMesh Component

Task 4: Create the CubeMesh Component


Develop the Game Board

Task 5: Implement Functionality to Add a Shape on the Grid

Task 6: Initialize and Update the Game Board

Task 7: Find the Winner

Task 8: Create the WinnerLine Component

Task 9: Import the WinnerLine Component


Display Game Information

Task 10: Create a Text Overlay

Task 11: Style the GameInfo Component


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