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Build a Ktor-Based Backend for a Financial App


Build a Ktor-Based Backend for a Financial App

In this project, we'll create a Ktor-based backend for a financial application. We will also write the documentation for the Swagger UI to integrate it with the backend to facilitate seamless testing.

Build a Ktor-Based Backend for a Financial App

You will learn to:

Build a backend API for a financial application using Ktor and RESTful APIs.

Integrate MongoDB with a Ktor application to store and manage financial data efficiently.

Design efficient and organized API routes and endpoints using Ktor's routing capabilities.

Write documentation for Swagger UI and use it to test API endpoints.


Web Development

API Development

Backend Development

API Documentation


Intermediate knowledge of Kotlin programming language and Ktor framework

Familiarity with NoSQL databases

Basic understanding of API development and routing

Understanding of Swagger UI and its documentation


Ktor logo


Kotlin logo


mongodb logo


Swagger logo


Project Description

Ktor is a Kotlin-based backend framework that ensures high performance, security, data processing, and seamless communication with MongoDB. MongoDB is a NoSQL database that offers flexibility and scalability in storing and retrieving data efficiently. 

In this project, we'll create the backend for a full-stack financial app, FinGenius, using Ktor for the backend and MongoDB for the database. We will also write the documentation for the Swagger UI to integrate with the backend, allowing seamless API testing.

Project Tasks


Get Started

Task 0: Introduction

Task 1: Create Data Models


Define Partner Routes

Task 2: Add a Partner

Task 3: Edit a Partner

Task 4: Get Partners


Define Product Routes

Task 5: Add a Product

Task 6: Edit a Product

Task 7: Get Products


Define Invoice Routes

Task 8: Add an Invoice

Task 9: Get Invoices


Define Transaction Routes

Task 10: Add a Transaction

Task 11: Get all Transactions


Define Ledger Route

Task 12: Get Ledger Items


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