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You will learn to:
Connect the Angular application to Firebase database.
Use CKEditor to display a text editor.
Implement dependency injection using Angular services.
Use data binding in Angular.
Web Development
Front-end Development
Good understanding of Angular
Familiarity with Firebase
Basic understanding of MaterialUI
Material UI
Project Description
We’ll create a blogging application from scratch using Angular, the AngularFire library, and Material UI in this project. The application will have various blogging features that enable users to interact with blogs. We’ll also use dependency injection to create a few functions, like admin authentication and Firebase communication. We’ll use CKEditor to write blogs.
The blogging application will give the admin full control over their blogging experience. This will enable the admin to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations on their blogs. On the other hand, the unauthenticated users will be able to view and read blogs uploaded by the admin.
The final layout of the application will look like this:
Project Tasks
Task 0: Get Started
Task 1: Create Routes
Develop Admin Authentication
Task 2: Develop the Authentication Functionality
Task 3: Implement the Sign-In Form and Authentication Functionality
Task 4: Set Up the Sidebar Based on Admin Sign-In Status
Develop and Implement Blog CRUD Functionalities
Task 5: Retrieve Both All Blogs and Blogs by ID from Firestore
Task 6: Implement Functionality to Display Blogs
Task 7: Develop Service Functions to Create and Edit Blogs
Task 8: Develop a Form to Create and Edit Blogs
Task 9: Implement the Form to Create and Edit Blogs
Task 10: Develop and Implement a Functionality to Read a Blog
Task 11: Develop and Implement Functionality to Delete a Blog
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