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Building a Retrieval-Augmented Generation System Using FastAPI

In this project, we will learn how to build a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system using FastAPI and OpenAI’s API. This system will let users upload documents and chat about the content.

Building a Retrieval-Augmented Generation System Using FastAPI

You will learn to:

Harness the semantic search in AI applications.

Build and optimize a RAG system using OpenAI’s GPT models.

Create text embeddings with the appropriate chunking strategy.

Design and manage a database using PostgreSQL.

Design and manage APIs with FastAPI.

Parse textual data and the PDF data using OCR.


Artificial Intelligence

API Development

AI Frameworks


Experience with Python

Basic understanding of web development

Familiarity with OpenAI API



fastapi logo



Project Description

Throughout this project, we will acquire a diverse set of skills that are crucial in modern technology and software development fields. These include understanding and implementing API design and management concepts, ensuring robust data handling, and parsing techniques for various document formats. Users will gain proficiency in database design and management, learning to structure and manipulate data efficiently. The project also emphasizes skills in AI model integration, teaching users to seamlessly incorporate advanced AI functionalities into applications.

After completing this project, the learner can build an RAG system from scratch using FastAPI and OpenAI’s API. The only requirements for this project are some experience with Python and a basic understanding of web development.

Project Tasks



Task 0: Getting Started


Building the API with FastAPI

Task 1: Create Basic API Endpoints

Task 2: Integrate OpenAI’s API

Task 3: Write the Testing Script


Managing and Parsing Documents

Task 4: Improve the Document Upload

Task 5: Parse Text Documents

Task 6: Parse PDF Documents with OCR


Database Integration and Management

Task 7: Create and Test the Database

Task 8: Implement Background Tasks

Task 9: Integrate the Database with the FastAPI Application

Task 10: Test the FastAPI Application


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