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Create a Connect 4 Game Using React Native
In this project, we’ll learn to build a Connect 4 game using React Native, which will allow users to play against another player or an AI opponent. The AI opponent will utilize the minimax algorithm.
You will learn to:
Develop an application using React Native.
Use React Hooks to manage state and handle side effects.
Use the minimax algorithm to create a challenging AI player.
Develop problem-solving skills through game logic implementation and win/lose conditions.
State Management
UI Design
Mobile Application Development
Game Development
Understanding of the fundamentals of React and React Native
Understanding of React Native components and their usage
Understanding of styling user interfaces using CSS
Understanding of React Hooks
React Native
Project Description
This project aims to develop a Connect 4 game using React Native. Connect 4 is a classic board game in which players try to connect four discs of their color in a row on a grid, either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. We’ll use React Native to make the game interactive and fun, allowing players to compete against each other or challenge an AI opponent.
Our Connect 4 game will have two modes: player vs. player and player vs. AI. In player vs. player mode, two players will challenge each other, taking turns to strategically place their discs on the game board. In player vs. AI mode, players will test their skills against an AI opponent that will use the minimax algorithm to make intelligent moves. Additionally, the game will have a restart functionality to restart the game at any point.
After completing this project, we’ll gain proficiency in React Native application development and enhance our ability to handle game logic to build interactive mobile applications.
Project Tasks
Task 0: Get Started
UI for the Connect4 Game
Task 1: Display the Game Title
Task 2: Display the Board
Task 3: Display the “Restart” Button and the Switch Mode
Task 4: Display the Turn and Game Outcomes
Logic for the Player Vs. Player Mode
Task 5: Write the Logic for Disc Placement
Task 6: Check the Win Conditions
Task 7: Write the Logic for Taking Turns
Task 8: Write the Logic for Restarting the Game
Logic for the Player Vs. AI Mode
Task 9: Evaluate AI Moves
Task 10: Write the Minimax Algorithm
Task 11: Write the Logic for Making AI Moves
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