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Create a REST API With Django


Create a REST API With Django

In this project, we’ll create a model and serializer to convert the complex data types into native Python data types. Ultimately, we’ll create a complete API for our model to add, delete, update, and fetch records.

Create a REST API With Django

You will learn to:

Apply the fundamentals of Django.

Create and use a database using SQLite.

Create serializers to serialize complex data types.

Create a REST API to insert, get, update, and delete records in the database.


Web Frameworks

API Development



Intermediate understanding of Python3

Intermediate understanding of Django

Basic understanding of SQLite

Basic understanding of REST architecture




SQLite logo


Project Description

An API (application programming interface) allows different programs to communicate/interact with one another. REST is a set of rules that describe how the client and server will communicate with each other.

Django REST is one of the most effective and flexible tools to build Web APIs. Django REST provides usability, makes authentication easy, and serializes complex data.

In this project, we’ll start with a default Django application, create a model, and add it to the database using migrations. After that, we’ll create a serializer to convert complex objects into native Python objects. Essentially, we’ll create a complete API for our model that will read, create, update, and delete a record from the database.

Project Tasks


Django Setup

Task 0: Get Started

Task 1: Connect the Application



Task 2: Create a New Model

Task 3: Make Migrations



Task 4: Set up URL Connections

Task 5: Create Serializers

Task 6: Import modules

Task 7: Create an Overview Endpoint

Task 8: Create a Get Data Endpoint

Task 9: Create an Add Data Endpoint

Task 10: Create an Update Data Endpoint

Task 11: Create a Delete Data Endpoint


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