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How to Create a Quantum Binary Adder
In this project, we’ll create a quantum circuit to perform the addition of qubits. This circuit will not only implement the quantum counterpart of a classical binary adder but will also allow the leveraging of quantum phenomena like quantum superposition for arithmetic operations.
You will learn to:
Create and simulate a quantum circuit using Qiskit
Understand the concept of quantum parallelism
Perform arithmetic operations on qubits
Visualize the results of quantum simulation using dedicated packages
Quantum Computing
Data Visualisation
Digital Logic Design
Basic understanding of Python language
Basic knowledge of the linear algebra concepts
Basic understanding of quantum computing
Basic understanding of digital logic design
Project Description
Quantum computing is a new technological field that involves the use of quantum phenomena to perform computations. This non-conventional approach to computation has its advantages over classical technology–a phenomenon known as quantum supremacy. While efforts are underway to create a general-purpose quantum computer, current quantum technologies are already finding applications in cybersecurity, finance, and communication.
In this project, we’ll be implementing a quantum binary full adder. As the technology for implementing classical and quantum logical circuits is different, the design for a quantum binary adder will have marked differences from its classical counterpart. Therefore, instead of going for the usual sum-of-product approach to implement the binary logic, we’ll adopt a heuristic approach for finding the gate combination.
Project Tasks
Getting Started
Task 1: Import Libraries
Task 2: Create a Quantum Circuit
Task 3: Apply a Hadamard Gate
Task 4: Apply Measurement Gate
Task 5: Simulate the Quantum Circuit
Task 6: Apply a CNOT Gate
Task 7: Apply a CCNOT Gate
Task 8: Append Quantum Circuits
Create a Full Adder
Task 9: Create the Data Registers
Task 10: Create the Quantum Circuit
Task 11: Create the Sum Block
Task 12: Create the Carry-Out Block
Task 13: Create the full_adder() Function
Task 14: Simulate the Full Adder
Task 15: Analyze the Results
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