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You will learn to:
Use the sentence-transformers library to generate embeddings for natural language.
Use the Faiss library to create a search index.
Preprocess the dataset using the scikit-learn library.
Use the search index to efficiently search for machine learning research papers.
Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing
Semantic Search
Basic programming skills in Python
Basic knowledge of deep learning
Basic knowledge of Transformer-based models
Project Description
In this project, we’ll use the sentence-transformers library to perform semantic search in a corpus of machine learning research papers. sentence-transformers allows us to use Transformer models that have been fine-tuned to give semantically meaningful embeddings for natural language. Transformer-based models are known to form high-level linguistic and semantic representations when used for natural languages. As we’ll see in the Experiments section, semantic search can retrieve articles based on synonyms and similar contexts, even without the exact occurrence of the searched words. Most search engines are powered by Transformer-based models, which is the current state of the art and is quickly replacing lexical search.
We’ll encode the dataset using sentence-transformers and create an index for k-nearest-neighbors search using Facebook’s Faiss library. We will then perform a few experiments, using summaries from the dataset and text inputs to search the database for similar articles.
Project Tasks
Getting Started
Task 0: Introduction
Task 1: Import the Libraries
Task 2: Load the Data
Setting Up the Environment
Task 3: Retrieve the Model
Task 4: Generate or Load the Embeddings
Task 5: Data Preparation and Helper Methods
Task 6: Set up the Index
Task 7: Search with a Summary
Task 8: Search with a Prompt
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