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Setting up a Streaming Data Pipeline With Kafka
In this project, we’ll learn about configuring and starting the Kafka server. To check the working of the Kafka server, we’ll begin by creating a topic on our server. After creating a topic, we’ll create a new producer and consumer to demonstrate data transmission using Kafka.
You will learn to:
Configure Zookeeper and Kafka
Start Zookeeper and Kafka
Create a topic using a console
Carry out console-based streaming between producers and consumers
Data Pipeline Engineering
Live Streaming
Basic knowledge of Python
Basic knowledge of streaming
Basic knowledge of message broker architecture.
Basic knowledge of Kafka and Zookeeper
Project Description
Apache Kafka is a stream-processing framework that implements a message bus. It is a Scala and Java-based open-source development platform, which was developed by the Apache Software Foundation. The goal of Kafka is to provide a single, high-throughput, and low-latency platform for real-time data flows. Apache Kafka uses Zookeeper for naming and registry services.
Zookeeper is a naming registry that is used in distribution systems for service synchronization. In Kafka, the Zookeeper is responsible for managing and tracking the status of the Kafka cluster’s nodes, topics, and messages.
In this project, we’ll learn and have the hands-on configuration of Zookeeper and Kafka. After that, we’ll learn to start both services. We’ll create a topic using the terminal and, after that, we’ll create a console-based consumer and producer to check the proper data streamflow.
Project Tasks
Installation and Configuration
Task 0: Getting Started
Task 1: Configure Zookeeper on Localhost
Starting Zookeeper and Kafka
Task 2: Start Zookeeper
Task 3: Start Kafka
Creating a Topic, Producer, and Consumer
Task 4: Creating a New Topic
Task 5: Things To Know
Task 6: Creating a New Producer
Task 7: Create a New Consumer
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