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Traffic Data Visualization using Shiny


Traffic Data Visualization using Shiny

In this project, we’ll learn to build an interactive dashboard using Shiny to explore traffic data, visualizing trends and patterns in a user-friendly way.

Traffic Data Visualization using Shiny

You will learn to:

Create a web application in R.

Merge data to perform analysis.

Create an interactive map using Leaflet.

Create a dashboard using Shiny.


Data Visualization

Interactive Maps

Web Development


Intermediate knowledge of R language

Basic understanding of Plotly

Basic understanding of Shiny

Familiarity with data analysis





Leaflet logo



Project Description

In this project, we’ll be creating an interactive data analysis dashboard using a tool called Shiny. Our project will revolve around Uber rides data, and the goal is to build a user-friendly interface that allows us to explore and understand this dataset. 

The dashboard will be split into sections or tabs, each serving a unique purpose. In the Home tab, we’ll visualize ride frequency and display it on a map. The Scatter Plot tab will let us see where Uber rides are concentrated on a map. The Bar Chart tab will provide insights into ride trends based on selected time intervals for a more aggregated view.

Behind the scenes, we’ll load and preprocess the data, ensuring it’s ready for visualization. We’ll also set up the server logic to control the interaction between user inputs and visual outputs. This will involve configuring various types of plots and making them responsive to user choices.

Project Tasks


Data Preprocessing

Task 0: Get Started

Task 1: Import the Libraries

Task 2: Import the Data

Task 3: Preprocess the Dataset

Task 4: Work with the Data

Task 5: Run a Preprocessing Loop


Shiny Application

Task 6: Create the User Interface

Task 7: Create an Interactive Map and Histogram

Task 8: Create a Scatter Plot in a New Tab

Task 9: Create an Interactive Bar Plot


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