Comparison of linear time sorting algorithms

Sorting is a fundamental operation, and it is widely used in different computer programming applications. There are multiple sorting algorithms with their pros and cons. These sorting algorithms can be classified into different categories. Time complexity is a category in which the computational time with respect to the input data is measured for an algorithm. In this answer, we'll discuss some linear time sorting algorithms: counting sort, bucket sort, flash sort, pigeonhole sort, and radix sort.

Counting sort

Counting sort is a non-comparison sorting algorithm that sorts the integer values with a small range. It works by counting the occurrences of each element and reconstructing the sorted array using these counted frequencies. The algorithm works as follows:

  1. Calculate the range of the array, i.e., minimum and maximum values.

  2. Create an array of that range.

  3. Calculate the frequency of each element in the given array.

  4. Modify the frequency array to the accumulative sum of the counts.

  5. Sort each element according to the positions of each entry in the frequency array.

Play the following slides to visualize the working of the counting sort:

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Run the code of counting sort in the following playground:

def countSort(arr: list):
size = len(arr)
output = [0] * size # initializing the output list
max_value = max(arr)
count = [0] * (max_value+1) # initializing frequencies list to all zero
for i in range(size):
count[arr[i]] += 1 # filling the array with the count of each number
for i in range(1, max_value+1):
count[i] += count[i-1] # finding accumulative sum
for i in range(size-1, -1, -1):
count[arr[i]] -= 1;
output[count[arr[i]]] = arr[i] # placing values to its position
return output
arr = [8, 3, 5, 1, 9, 2, 4, 3]
print("Array before sorting:", arr)
arr = countSort(arr);
print("Array after sorting:", arr)

Bucket sort

Bucket sort is a sorting algorithm that sorts the values by uniformly distributing them into buckets, sorting each bucket individually, and recombining the sorted buckets to form the ordered output. The algorithm works as follows:

  1. Create some empty buckets.

  2. Place each element in its corresponding buckets.

  3. Sort each bucket individually using any sorting algorithm, i.e., insertion sort.

  4. Merge all the buckets.

Play the following slides to visualize the working of the bucket sort:

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Run the code of bucket sort in the following playground:

def bucketSort(arr: list, buckets_size: int):
size = len(arr)
# creating empty buckets
buckets = []
bucket_number = buckets_size
while (bucket_number > 0):
new_bucket = []
bucket_number = bucket_number - 1
minimum = min(arr) # finding the minimum element
maximum = max(arr) # finding the maximum element
# the numerical range that each bucket can hold.
element_range = (maximum - minimum) // buckets_size+1
# adding elements to the buckets.
for i in range(size):
number = arr[i]
bucket_number = (int) (number - minimum) // element_range
# sorting and merging buckets.
sorted_list = []
for bucket in range(len(buckets)):
current = buckets[bucket]
if len(current) != 0:
# moving the sorted elements back to the original array.
for i in range(size):
arr[i] = sorted_list[i]
buckets = 3
arr = [18, 13, 15, 11, 19, 12, 14, 13]
print("Array before sorting:", arr)
bucketSort(arr, buckets)
print("Array after sorting:", arr)

Flash sort

Flash sort is an in-place implementation of the bucket sort. It sorts the given array by calculating the bucket lengths and swapping elements to their relevant buckets. Each bucket is individually sorted by another sorting algorithm (mostly insertion sort) to complete the sorting. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Find minimum and maximum values.

  2. Divide the array into buckets linearly.

  3. Count the number of elements for each bucket.

  4. Convert the count of each bucket into an accumulative sum.

  5. Rearrange all elements into their corresponding bucket.

  6. Sort each bucket using insertion sort.

Play the following slides to visualize the working of the flash sort:

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Run the code of flash sort in the following playground:

def flash_sort(array):
n = len(array)
# step 1: find mininum and maximum values
min_value, max_value = array[0], array[0]
for i in range(1, n):
if array[i] > max_value: max_value = array[i]
if array[i] < min_value: min_value = array[i]
if min_value == max_value: return
# step 2: divide array into m buckets
import math
m = max(math.floor(0.45 * n), 1)
# step 3: count the number of elements in each class
def get_bucket_id(value):
return math.floor((m * (value-min_value)) / (max_value-min_value+1))
Lb = [0]*m
for value in array:
Lb[get_bucket_id(value)] +=1
# step 4: convert the count to prefix sum
for i in range(1, m):
Lb[i] = Lb[i-1]+Lb[i]
# step 5: rearrange the elements
def find_swap_index(b_id):
for ind in range(Lb[b_id-1],Lb[b_id]):
if get_bucket_id(array[ind])!=b_id: break
return ind
def arrange_bucket(i1, i2, b):
for i in range(i1, i2):
b_id = get_bucket_id(array[i])
while(b_id != b):
s_ind = find_swap_index(b_id)
array[i], array[s_ind] = array[s_ind], array[i]
b_id = get_bucket_id(array[i])
for b in range(0, m-1):
if b == 0: arrange_bucket(b, Lb[b], b)
else: arrange_bucket(Lb[b-1], Lb[b], b)
# step 6: sort each bucket
def insertion_sort(array):
for i in range(1, len(array)):
temp = array[i]
j = i - 1
while j >= 0 and temp < array[j]:
array[j + 1] = array[j]
j -= 1
array[j + 1] = temp
return array
for i in range(m):
if i == 0: array[i:Lb[i]] = insertion_sort(array[i:Lb[i]])
else: array[Lb[i-1]:Lb[i]] = insertion_sort(array[Lb[i-1]:Lb[i]])
array = [15, 13, 24, 7, 18, 3, 22, 9]
print("Array before sorting:", array)
print("Array after sorting:", array)

Pigeonhole sort

Pigeonhole sort is a non-comparison sorting algorithm that sorts elements by creating pigeonholes, placing elements into their respective pigeonhole, and placing all elements into their original places. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Find the range of the array, i.e., minimum, maximum, and range.

  2. Create a pigeonhole array of the size of the range.

  3. Place each element into its corresponding pigeonhole.

  4. Place all elements back into the array in sorted form.

Play the following slides to visualize the working of the pigeonhole sort:

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Run the code of pigeonhole sort in the following playground:

def pigeonhole_sort(arr):
min_value = min(arr)
max_value = max(arr)
range_value = max_value - min_value + 1
pigeonholes = [[] for _ in range(range_value)]
for i in range(len(arr)):
pigeonholes[arr[i] - min_value].append(arr[i])
arr_index = 0
for i in range(range_value):
while pigeonholes[i]:
arr[arr_index] = pigeonholes[i].pop(0)
arr_index += 1
arr = [18, 13, 15, 11, 19, 12, 14, 13]
print("Array before sorting:", arr)
print("Array after sorting: ", arr)

Radix sort

Radix sort is a sorting algorithm that works on integers and strings based on their individual digits/characters. In other words, it sorts from the least significant digit to the most significant digit. The algorithm works as follows:

  1. Sort the elements based on their least significant digit.

  2. Move to the next significant digit and sort again.

  3. Repeat the process until all digits are sorted.

Play the following slides to visualize the working of the radix sort:

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Run the code of radix sort in the following playground:

def radixSort(arr):
maxVal = max(arr) # Finding the maximum value in the array.
digitPosition = 1 # Initializing the digit position.
nth_pass = 1 # used to show the progress
# This is the Count Sort algorithm:
while maxVal // digitPosition > 0:
digitCount = [0] * 10 # Initialize digitCount array.
# Count the number of times each digit occurred at digitPosition.
for num in arr:
digitCount[num // digitPosition % 10] += 1
# Find cumulative count, so it now stores the actual position of the digit in the output array (bucket).
for i in range(1, 10):
digitCount[i] += digitCount[i - 1]
# To keep the order, start from the back side.
bucket = [0] * len(arr)
for num in reversed(arr):
digitCount[num // digitPosition % 10] -= 1
bucket[digitCount[num // digitPosition % 10]] = num
arr = bucket # Rearrange the original array using elements in the bucket.
# At this point, the array is sorted by digitPosition-th digit.
print("Pass #", nth_pass, ":", arr)
nth_pass += 1
digitPosition *= 10 # Move to the next digit position, or next least significant digit.
arr = [9180, 313, 2154, 1100, 6192, 3121, 7148, 8139]
print("The unsorted array is:", arr)
print("\nStarting Radix Sort:")
print("Pass # 0 :", arr)


Pigeonhole sort has some similarities with counting sort and bucket sort, but the working of pigeonhole sort is different. Let’s discuss the difference:

  • The bucket sort has a fixed bucket size, and it sorts each bucket individually, but pigeonhole sort creates the pigeonholes for the complete range.

  • The count sort uses the auxiliary array to store the count of each value, but pigeonhole sort uses it to store the elements.

Radix sort has a different working mechanism. It sorts the array of elements based on their individual digits. It uses another sorting algorithm (counting sort) to sort the elements for each significant digit. Similarly, the bucket sort also uses another sorting algorithm (mostly insertion sort) to sort each bucket.

Let’s compare these algorithms below:

Pigeonhole Sort

Count Sort

Bucket Sort

Flash Sort

Radix Sort


Small integer values with known range

Integer values with a limited range

Integer values with uniform distribution

Integer values with uniform distribution

Integer or string data

Using another sort for sub-arrays



Yes, mostly insertion sort

Yes, mostly insertion sort

Yes, mostly counting sort




Depends on the sub-arrays sorting algorithm

Depends on the sub-arrays sorting algorithm

Depends on the sub-arrays sorting algorithm




Stable when using stable sub-sorting

Stable when using stable sub-sorting

Stable when using stable sub-sorting













Best-case time complexity


O(n+k), where k is the range of the data

O(k×n), where k is the number of buckets


O(d×n), where d is the number of digits

Average-case time complexity

O(n+k), where k is the range of the data

O(n+k),where k is the range of the data

O(k×n), where k is the number of buckets


O(d×n), where d is the number of digits

Worst-case time complexity

O(n+k), where k is the range of the data

O(n+k), where k is the range of the data



O(d×n), where d is the number of digits

Space complexity

O(n+k), where k is the range of the data

O(n+k), where k is the range of the data

O(n+k), where k is the number of buckets

O(m), where m is the number of buckets

O(n+k), where k is the range of the data


In this answer, we compare different linear time sorting algorithms. In the comparison table, we can see the O(n2)O(n^2) time complexity in the worst case of bucket sort and flash sort. This happens by using the insertion sort while sorting individual buckets. Using any linear time complexity algorithm in bucket sort will increase the space complexity. We, also, can’t use any linear time complexity algorithm in flash sort because it will not remain the in-place sorting algorithm.

Since linear time sorting algorithms are designed to sort the data with specific attributes, the worst-case time complexity will be the result of an incorrect choice of sorting algorithm. So, we should select the sorting algorithm very carefully. Before choosing any linear time sorting algorithm, make sure the data has the following attributes:

  • Counting sort or Pigeonhole sort: Integer data with limited range (range < array size) and no outliers

  • Flash sort or Bucket sort: Integer data with uniform distribution

  • Radix sort: String/integer data with same length

For other types of data, we can use other efficient sorting algorithms withO(n  log  n)O(n\;log\;n)time complexity, such as quick sort, merge sort, timsort, and so on.

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